The Campaign of 1812 in Russia - Gérard Chaliand

The Campaign of 1812 in Russia

By: Gérard Chaliand (Foreword by), Carl Von Clausewitz

Paperback | 5 February 2019

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Napoleon's campaign of 1812 against Russia was a turning point in the Napoleonic history. At the beginning of 1812 Napoleon was at the peak of his glory. On the eve of the Russian campaign the great majority of the European diplomats thought that Napoleon would emerge victorious. The campaign, however, proved to be disastrous for the French Grand Armee. Battle of Borodino, with heavy casualties on both sides, was probably the hardest fought battle of the Napoleonic era. Victory at Borodino gained Napoleon entry to Moscow only to end in a catastrophe and retreat of the French army in fall of the same year. The campaign of 1812 against Russia marked the beginning of the end of Napoleon's rule in Europe.

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