The Children's Hearings (Scotland) ACT 2011 - A User's Guide - Brian Kearney

The Children's Hearings (Scotland) ACT 2011 - A User's Guide

By: Brian Kearney

Paperback | 21 May 2026 | Edition Number 1

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The provisions of the Children's Hearings (Scotland) Act has completely re-organised the system and also introduced many new concepts and procedures. This book provides useful and accessible guidance to the many disciplines which are involved in the working of the systems, including panel members, social workers, reporters, safeguarders and advocacy workers, as well as judges, sheriffs, members of the Faculty of Advocates, solicitors, those involved in the training of panel members and other participants in the system. The Children's hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 - A User's Guide is accessible text to both students and professionals. Content- Introduction; 1- The Basic Set-up; 2- The Grounds for Referral; 3- Who may attend a hearing; 4- What can happen before a Grounds Hearing; 5- What happens before a Grounds Hearing; 6- Possible pre-hearing panel; 7- What happens at a Grounds Hearing; 8- Reasons for decisions; 9- Safeguarders and Curators ad Litem; 10- Interim Compulsory Supervision Orders; 11- What happens before during and after referral to the Sheriff; 12- Appeals to the Sheriff against various decisions of Hearings; 13- Hearings on Review; 14- Miscellaneous.

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