In reference to this present work, a classic of Western Spirituality, my own background as priest and as an eremitical ascetic of the Lankavatarian path places me squarely in both traditions thus offering a unique vantage point concerning Ascetical Contemplation. There are two primary forms of Contemplation. Active Contemplation utilizes many different types of experiential tools in encountering the Transcendent: reading, imagination, music, monastic liturgical settings, walking, attunement with nature, etc. Infused Contemplation, which is the core of this present work, means being stripped naked of all phenomena and what is left is the all-piercing awareness of the Absolute as Absolute-undivided and devoid of all secondary characteristics. The primary factor to consider here is that of ascesis, or the deafening silence and solitude that are part and parcel of the spiritual discipline required in which to undertake such an audacious task. Infused Contemplation is a passive one, devoid as it is of all action thus opening itself to the movement of the primordial spirit. It's a self-emptying in order to be filled with the Absolute Fullness of the Unborn. Pure Contemplatives, therefore, live a life of total solitude in the dark silence of the Great Void that is devoid of all defiling characteristics. This rendition of The Cloud of Unknowing is written in Light of the Unborn-meaning those associated spiritual principles found within UnbornMind Zen. The text is followed by a commentary. All in all, it's an eclectic work designed to dissolve the barriers of sectarianism that prevents one from directly experiencing a Contemplative spiritual path that is open to all, regardless of their religious orientations; such is the beauty of these Universal Truths whose Light shines upon all.
Dedicated to empowering others to realize their full human and divine-spiritual potential, Vajragoni has worked as a Spiritual Mentor and writer for Thirty-Seven years. He holds a Master's Degree in Theology from Seton Hall University and lives in upstate New York.