The Complete Ascension Manual : How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime - Joshua David Stone

The Complete Ascension Manual

How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime

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For those who have the intention but lack the lifetime it would take to study the entire history of spirituality, this extraordinary compendium is a great gift. Joshua David Stone has gleaned the essentials from vast research as well as intuitive information and woven them into a simple and engrossing exploration of self-realization.

The Complete Ascension Manual is both practical and enlightening. It is a guidebook through the past and a how-to manual for ascension. Created as an overview of the spiritual path, this book explores the world's great religions, Great Masters, spiritual psychology, and the Ascended Masters' teachings with specific steps to accelerate our process of ascension.

The Complete Ascension Manual is a thorough introduction to subjects such as the monad, soul and personality, God and the cosmic Hierarchy, ascension, the sixth initiation, twenty ascension techniques to build your Light quotient, mantras, names of God and words of power, and 147 "Golden Keys" to achieving ascension in this lifetime.

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Published: 10th September 2019

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