The Complete Autism Handbook : The Essential Resource Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia and New Zealand - Benison O'Reilly

The Complete Autism Handbook

The Essential Resource Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia and New Zealand

By: Benison O'Reilly, Kathryn Wicks

Paperback | 1 February 2016

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The essential resource guide for autism spectrum disorder is Australia and New Zealand

The Complete Autism Handbook offers guidance, expert advice and above all support to parents raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder.

From the early signs and symptoms of ASD through to diagnosis, the intervention programs, medical theories and schooling, health professionals recommend The Complete Autism Handbook. The book also contains the most comprehensive guide to the resources, funding and support available for ASD families in Australia and New Zealand.

Authors Benison O'Reilly and Kathryn Wicks are professional writers and both have children with autism. They know from first-hand experience the essential information parents need to know to raise an ASD child.

First published in 2008, the bestselling The Complete Autism Handbook is now in its third edition, with New Zealand contributions from autism mother and academic, Linda Kimpton.

  • What is ASD? - Early signs and symptoms
  • Getting a Diagnosis
  • Early Intervention – early intervention is vital in helping a child with ASD
  • The Medical Maze – explains the evidence based medical theories behind ASD and explores controversy over diet, vaccinations etc.
  • Parents and siblings
  • Teenagers and more

About the Author

Benison O’Reilly is a Sydney-based writer and the mother of three boys aged 12 to 18, the youngest of whom has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Benison was born in Nelson Bay but did most of her growing up in Tamworth, NSW, leaving for Sydney at 18 to study for a pharmacy degree. After a couple of years spent working and travelling in Europe, Benison joined the pharmacy department at St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, where she was privileged to work with the late Dr Victor Chang.

After a stint in pharmaceutical industry, Benison trained as a medical writer. It was only when she was asked to co-write the first edition of The Australian Autism Handbook that she rediscovered her latent love for writing.

Benison published her first novel Happily Ever After? with Jane Curry Publishing in 2010, and has also published freelance articles in Sydney’s Child, The Sydney Morning Herald, Mamamia, iVillage, BubHub and The Hoopla.

Kathryn Wicks was born in Sydney where she lives with her husband and two sons. She has worked as a sports journalist most of her career and is currently the community and daily features editor of the Sydney Morning Herald. Her younger son was diagnosed with autism in 2008. She is a trained ABA therapist.

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