The Cost of Excluding Finance from Literacy in State Standards : Who Suffers? - Dawn Dickerson

The Cost of Excluding Finance from Literacy in State Standards

Who Suffers?

By: Dawn Dickerson

Booklet | 31 March 2015

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In 2009, what was the single most important goal of implementing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in K-12 education? To ensure students receive the preparation they need to be successful in the "real world." This short body of work evaluates the Common Core State Standards in context with the high school student's transition from the classroom into the "real world." The challenge amid this conversation will be for parents, teachers, students, mentors, community leaders/partners and policy makers, to find a collective way to take action to ensure that Personal Finance is among those mandatory subjects used for "real world" preparation (in every high school across the nation).

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