The Danube River and The Western Black Sea Coast : Complex Transboundary Management - Juerg Bloesch

The Danube River and The Western Black Sea Coast

Complex Transboundary Management

By: Juerg Bloesch (Editor), Bernd Cyffka (Editor), Thomas Hein (Editor), Cristina Sandu (Editor), Nike Sommerwerk (Editor)

Paperback | 1 April 2025

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The Danube River and The Western Black Sea Coast: Complex Transboundary Management is a brand-new volume in the Elsevier Ecohydrology from Catchment to Coast series. The book focuses on the second largest river in Europe and the most transboundary river basin that encompasses 19 countries. Chapters focus on changes to the area in the past decade and a way forward. Made up of three parts, the book starts with an overview, covers The Danube River and its recipient, the Black Sea, including sediment balance, water quality, hydromorphology and aquatic biodiversity.

Section two covers the key pressures and implementation of transboundary water management such as aquatic resources, invasive species, climate change, and stakeholder participation. Section three assess visions for a sustainable future in the Danube River Basin with a look to applicable sustainability, ecosystems, human interaction, and improving biodiversity through floodplains. The book concludes with a summary and outlook.

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