Set in a dystopian Boston, this dual-POV, sci-fi romance follows a cunning memory merchant who deals a little extra happiness on the side and the handsome rookie officer on her tail.
In 2460, seventeen-year-old Liv Newman works as an EmoProx in the Metro, selling emotion-laden memories to the workaholic upper class and in her community (the latter is only a little illegal.) She longs to escape the overpopulated Fenway Towers. So when a wealthy customer offers her a ludicrous amount of money for a new assignment, Liv accepts. The only problem? The job is in no man's land. Still, the trek will be worth it... if she manages to survive.
Rookie Forceman Adrian Rao has devoted his life to maintaining global conglomerate LifeCorp's law and order. After discovering that an EmoProx's shady dealings are messing with people's brain chemistry, he makes it his personal mission to stamp out the threat to society's productivity. He's able to track down his suspect— a girl named Liv Newman —outside the city. There's just one hiccup: She's wiped her memories. Can Adrian bring himself to condemn her for crimes she doesn't even remember?
As Liv and Adrian navigate the world beyond the Metro and their growing feelings for one another, they will be forced to grapple with what they are, who they could be, and whether another way of living is possible.