The Drover's Wife : Winner Prize for Literature - Victorian Premier's Literary Awards 2017 - Leah Purcell

The Drover's Wife

Winner Prize for Literature - Victorian Premier's Literary Awards 2017

By: Leah Purcell

Paperback | 1 September 2016

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Booktopia Comments
Winner, Victorian Prize for Literature - Victorian Premier's Literary Awards

Winner, Prize for Drama - Victorian Premier's Literary Awards
Product Description
Henry Lawson’s iconic story gets a fresh re-write. Once again the Drover’s Wife is confronted by a threat in her yard, but now it’s a man. He’s bleeding, he’s got secrets, and he’s black. She knows there’s a fugitive wanted for killing whites, and the district is thick with troopers, but something’s holding the Drover’s Wife back from turning this fella in…

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