Contents:Volume IAcknowledgementsIntroduction John H. Cawley and Donald S. KenkelPART I THE FOUNDATIONS FOR STUDYING HEALTH BEHAVIOURS 1. H. Leibenstein (1950), 'Bandwagon, Snob, and Veblen Effects in the Theory of Consumers' Demand'2. Michael Grossman (1972), 'On the Concept of Health Capital and the Demand for Health'3. Pauline M. Ippolito (1981), 'Information and the Life Cycle Consumption of Hazardous Goods'4. Gary S. Becker and Kevin M. Murphy (1988), 'A Theory of Rational Addiction'5. Engelbert J. Dockner and Gustav Feichtinger (1993), 'Cyclical Consumption Patterns and Rational Addiction'6. Athanasios Orphanides and David Zervos (1995), 'Rational Addiction with Learning and Regret'7. David Laibson (1997), 'Golden Eggs and Hyperbolic Discounting'8. Gary S. Becker and Casey B. Mulligan (1997), 'The Endogenous Determination of Time Preference'9. B. Douglas Bernheim and Antonio Rangel (2004), 'Addiction and Cue-Triggered Decision Processes'PART II THE HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTION OF HEALTH 10. Mark R. Rosenzweig and T. Paul Schultz (1983), 'Estimating a Household Production Function: Heterogeneity, the Demand for Health Inputs, and their Effects on Birth Weight'11. John Mullahy and Paul R. Portney (1990), 'Air Pollution, Cigarette Smoking, and the Production of Respiratory Health'12. Donald S. Kenkel (1995), 'Should You Eat Breakfast? Estimates from Health Production Functions'13. William N. Evans and Jeanne S. Ringel (1999), 'Can Higher Cigarette Taxes Improve Birth Outcomes?'14. Paul Contoyannis and Andrew M. Jones (2004), 'Socio-economic Status, Health and Lifestyle'PART III THE ROLE OF TASTES, INFORMATION, AND SCHOOLING 15. Phillip Farrell and Victor R. Fuchs (1982), 'Schooling and Health: The Cigarette Connection'16. W. Kip Viscusi (1990), 'Do Smokers Underestimate Risks?'17. Donald S. Kenkel (1991), 'Health Behavior, Health Knowledge, and Schooling'18. V. Kerry Smith, Donald H. Taylor, Frank A. Sloan, F. Reed Johnson and William H. Desvousges (2001), 'Do Smokers Respond to Health Shocks?'19. David M. Cutler and Edward Glaeser (2005), 'What Explains Differences in Smoking, Drinking, and Other Health-related Behaviors?'PART IV EMPIRICAL TESTS OF THE MODEL OF RATIONAL ADDICTION 20. Gary S. Becker, Michael Grossman and Kevin M. Murphy (1994), 'An Empirical Analysis of Cigarette Addiction'21. Michael Grossman, Frank J. Chaloupka and Ismail Sirtalan (1998), 'An Empirical Analysis of Alcohol Addiction: Results from the Monitoring the Future Panels'22. Jose M. Labeaga (1999), 'A Double-hurdle Rational Addiction Model with Heterogeneity: Estimating the Demand for Tobacco'23. Jonathan Gruber and Botond Koszegi (2001), 'Is Addiction A"RationalA"? Theory and Evidence'24. M. Christopher Auld and Paul Grootendorst (2004), 'An Empirical Analysis of Milk Addiction'25. Donna B. Gilleskie and Koleman S. Strumpf (2005), 'The Behavioral Dynamics of Youth Smoking'Name IndexVolume IIAcknowledgementsAn introduction by the editors to all three volumes appears in Volume IPART I PREDICTING AND EXPLAINING UNHEALTHY BEHAVIOURS1. Alan S. Blinder (1974), 'The Economics of Brushing Teeth'2. Jan C. Van Ours (1995), 'The Price Elasticity of Hard Drugs: The Case of Opium in the Dutch East Indies, 1923-1938'3. Avner Ahituv, V. Joseph Hotz and Tomas Philipson (1996), 'The Responsiveness of the Demand for Condoms to the Local Prevalence of AIDS'4. Edward C. Norton, Richard C. Lindrooth and Susan T. Ennett (1998), 'Controlling for the Endogeneity of Peer Substance Use on Adolescent Alcohol and Tobacco Use'5. Jin-Long Liu, Jin-Tan Liu, James K. Hammitt and Shin-Yi Chou (1999), 'The Price Elasticity of Opium in Taiwan, 1914-1942'6. Alejandro Gaviria and Steven Raphael (2001) 'School-Based Peer Effects and Juvenile Behavior'7. Christopher J. Ruhm and William E. Black (2002), 'Does Drinking Really Decrease in Bad Times?'8. Susan Farrell, Willard G. Manning, Michael D. Finch (2003), 'Alcohol Dependence and the Price of Alcoholic Beverages'9. Patricia M. Anderson, Kristin F. Butcher and Phillip B. Levine (2003), 'Maternal Employment and Overweight Children'10. David M. Cutler, Edward L. Glaeser and Jesse M. Shapiro (2003), 'Why Have Americans Become More Obese?'11. Shin-Yi Chou, Michael Grossman and Henry Saffer (2004), 'An Economic Analysis of Adult Obesity: Results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System'12. Mireille Jacobson (2004), 'Baby Booms and Drug Busts: Trends in Youth Drug Use in the United States, 1975-2000'13. Paul Gertler, Manisha Shah and Stefano M. Bertozzi (2005), 'Risky Business: The Market for Unprotected Commercial Sex'14. Emily Oster (2005), 'Sexually Transmitted Infections, Sexual Behavior, and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic'15. Petter Lundborg (2006), 'Having the Wrong Friends? Peer Effects in Adolescent Substance Use'PART II THE IMPACT OF HEALTH BEHAVIOURS ON WAGES AND HUMAN CAPITAL 16. John Mullahy and Jody L. Sindelar (1993), 'Alcoholism, Work, and Income'17. Philip J. Cook and Michael J. Moore (1993), 'Drinking and Schooling'18. Phillip B. Levine, Tara A. Gustafson and Ann D. Velenchik (1997), 'More Bad News for Smokers? The Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Wages'19. John Mullahy and Jody Sindelar (1996), 'Employment, Unemployment, and Problem Drinking'20. Gary A. Zarkin, Michael T. French, Thomas Mroz and Jeremy W. Bray (1998), 'Alcohol Use and Wages: New Results from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse'21. Thomas C. Buchmueller and Samuel H. Zuvekas (1998), 'Drug Use, Drug Abuse, and Labour Market Outcomes'22. Ziggy MacDonald and Stephen Pudney (2000), 'The Wages of Sin? Illegal Drug Use and the Labour Market'23. John Cawley (2004), 'The Impact of Obesity on Wages'24. Jan C. van Ours (2004), 'A Pint a Day Raises a Man's Pay; but Smoking Blows That Gain Away'25. John Cawley and Sheldon Danziger (2005), 'Morbid Obesity and the Transition from Welfare to Work'26. M. Christopher Auld (2005), 'Smoking, Drinking, and Income'27. Jeremy W. Bray (2005), 'Alcohol Use, Human Capital, and Wages'Name IndexVolume IIIAcknowledgementsAn introduction by the editors to all three volumes appears in Volume IPART I INTERACTIONS BETWEEN HEALTH BEHAVIOURS 1. Rosalie Liccardo Pacula (1997), 'Economic Modelling of the Gateway Effect'2. Thomas S. Dee (1999), 'The Complementarity of Teen Smoking and Drinking'3. Matthew C. Farrelly, Jeremy W. Bray, Gary A. Zarkin and Brett W. Wendling (2001), 'The Joint Demand for Cigarettes and Marijuana: Evidence from the National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse'4. Stephen Pudney (2003), 'The Road to Ruin? Sequences of Initiation to Drugs and Crime in Britain'5. Jan C. van Ours (2003), 'Is Cannabis a Stepping-Stone for Cocaine?'6. John Cawley, Sara Markowitz and John Tauras (2004), 'Lighting Up and Slimming Down: The Effects of Body Weight and Cigarette Prices on Adolescent Smoking Initiation'7. Inas Rashad and Robert Kaestner (2004), 'Teenage Sex, Drugs and Alcohol Use: Problems Identifying the Cause of Risky Behaviors'PART II PUBLIC POLICIES AND HEALTH BEHAVIOURS 8. Lynne Schneider, Benjamin Klein and Kevin M. Murphy (1981), 'Governmental Regulation of Cigarette Health Information'9. Philip J. Cook and George Tauchen (1984), 'The Effect of Minimum Drinking Age Legislation on Youthful Auto Fatalities, 1970-1977'10. Pauline M. Ipppolito and Alan D. Mathios (1990), 'Information, Advertising and Health Choices: A Study of the Cereal Market'11. Jeffrey Wasserman, Willard G. Manning, Joseph P. Newhouse and John D. Winkler (1991), 'The Effects of Excise Taxes and Regulations on Cigarette Smoking'12. Jeffrey A. Miron and Jeffrey Zwiebel (1991), 'Alcohol Consumption During Prohibition'13. Tomas J. Philipson and Richard A. Posner (1995), 'A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Public Health Subsidies for STD Testing'14. Willard G. Manning, Linda Blumberg and Lawrence H. Moulton (1995), 'The Demand for Alcohol: The Differential Response to Price'15. Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Lee-Lan Yen, Jin-Tan Liu and Chyongchiou Jeng Lin (1996), 'Smoking, Health Knowledge, and Anti-Smoking Campaigns: An Empirical Study in Taiwan'16. Christopher J. Ruhm (1996), 'Alcohol Policies and Highway Vehicle Fatalities'17. William N. Evans and Matthew C. Farrelly (1998), 'The Compensating Behavior of Smokers: Taxes, Tar, and Nicotine'18. Phillip J. Cook, Allan M. Parnell, Michael J. Moore and Deanna Pagnini (1999), 'The Effects of Short-Term Variation in Abortion Funding on Pregnancy Outcomes'19. Thomas S. Dee (1999), 'State Alcohol Policies, Teen Drinking and Traffic Fatalities'20. Alan D. Mathios (2000), 'The Impact of Mandatory Disclosure Laws on Product Choices: An Analysis of the Salad Dressing Market'21. Sara Markowitz and Michael Grossman (2000), 'The Effects of Beer Taxes on Physical Child Abuse'22. Martin Forster and Andrew M. Jones (2001), 'The Role of Tobacco Taxes in Starting and Quitting Smoking: Duration Analysis of British Data'23. John DiNardo and Thomas Lemieux (2001), 'Alcohol, Marijuana, and American Youth: The Unintended Consequences of Government Regulation'24. Reagan Baughman, Michael Conlin, Stacy Dickert-Conlin and John Pepper (2001), 'Slippery When Wet: The Effects of Local Alcohol Access Laws on Highway Safety'25. Philip DeCicca, Donald Kenkel and Alan Mathios (2002), 'Putting Out the Fires: Will Higher Taxes Reduce the Onset of Youth Smoking?'26. Jeffrey A. Miron (2003), 'The Effect of Drug Prohibition on Drug Prices: Evidence from the Markets for Cocaine and Heroin'27. Christopher Carpenter (2004), 'How Do Zero Tolerance Drunk Driving Laws Work?'28. Peter M. Lance, John S. Akin, William H. Dow and Chung-Ping Loh (2004), 'Is Cigarette Smoking in Poorer Nations Highly Sensitive to Price? Evidence from Russia and China'29. Jonathan Gruber and Botond Koszegi (2004), 'Tax Incidence when Individuals are Time Inconsistent: The Case of Cigarette Excise Taxes'30. Gabriel A. Picone, Frank Sloan and Justin G. Trogdon (2004), 'The Effect of the Tobacco Settlement and Smoking Bans on Alcohol Consumption'31. Angela K. Dills, Mireille Jacobson and Jeffrey A. Miron (2005), 'The Effect of Alcohol Prohibition on Alcohol Consumption: Evidence from Drunkenness Arrests'32. Douglas E. Levy and Ellen Meara (2006), 'The Effect of the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement on Prenatal Smoking'33. Jerome Adda and Francesca Cornaglia (2006), 'Taxes, Cigarette Consumption, and Smoking Intensity'Name Index