The Economics of Hydroelectric Power : New Horizons in Environmental Economics series - Brian K. Edwards

The Economics of Hydroelectric Power

By: Brian K. Edwards

Hardcover | 1 January 2003

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"Despite the extensive body of literature on energy economics, very little economics research has been conducted that focuses specifically on dams and hydroelectric power. Brian Edwards addresses this deficiency by examining the multiple roles that dams pl"
Industry Reviews
'This book provides and accessible introduction to the economics of hydroelectric power supply and the role of environmentally motivated restrictions on water releases on hydro plant operations. It is important background reading for anyone interested in a better understanding of hydroelectric power operations. The modeling tools presented here offer a useful starting point for anyone wishing to model hydro facility operation and to study the effects of various environmental constraints on the costs of power supply.' -- Karen Palmer, The Journal of Energy and Development
'This simplified applications-oriented introduction to the sometimes complex problem of scheduling integrated hydroelectric facilities provides a well-written entry-point for a rich field.' -- - William W. Hogan, Harvard University, US

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