The Essential Guide to the Bible and Christianity - John Jusu

The Essential Guide to the Bible and Christianity

By: John Jusu, Matthew Elliott

Paperback | 6 December 2022

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The powerful sword of the Spirit is God's Word - all Christians should learn to handle it well Book by book and genre by genre, this handbook teaches you how to interpret the Bible. The Essential Guide to the Bible and Christianity features practical takeaways and a comprehensive overview from the creation story to the glorious return of Jesus Christ at the end of time.

Its clear explanations help you understand the theological foundations of Christianity as well as key teachings relevant to your life and ministry, including:
  • Salvation and atonement
  • The Trinity
  • Angels, Satan, the supernatural, and spirits
  • Christ's second coming
  • The Great Commission
  • Africa's key role in church history
  • Practices of Christian life and worship
  • Community values from Africa and the Bible
  • and more

    Rich wisdom from over 70 pastors and theologians from every corner of Africa is distilled in this treasure trove for Bible school students, pastors, lay leaders, and curious Christ-followers. Deepen your faith, be refreshed by a balanced perspective on the essentials, and be equipped to lead others to the truth.

    Authors: John Jusu & Matthew Elliott

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