The Silence of the Archive PART I: REASONS FOR THE SILENCES 1. Enforced silences 2. Inappropriate selection 3. Inappropriate expectations PART II: RESPONSES TO THE SILENCES 4. Dealing with the silence 5. Fictionalizing and worse PART III: WHAT CAN BE DONE? 6. Possible solutions 7. The meaning of the silences Engaging with Archives and Records: Histories and Theories TBC Archives and Recordkeeping: Theory into practice Introduction - Caroline Brown 1. Records and archives: concepts, roles and definition - Caroline Williams 2. Archival appraisal: practising on shifting sand - Anne J. Gilliland 3. Arrangement and description: between theory and practice - Jennifer Meehan 4. Ethics for archivists and records managers - Jeannette A. Bastian 5. Archives, memories and identities - Eric Ketelaar 6. Under the influence: the impact of philosophy on archives and records management - Rachel Hardiman 7. Participation vs principle: does technological change marginalize recordkeeping theory? - Alan R. Bell The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping: A reader Introduction: seeing the future of archives and recordkeeping PART 1: DEFINING ARCHIVES 1. Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? Situating the archive and archivists - Victoria Lane and Jennie Hill 2. Encounters with the self: archives and research - Sue Breakell 3. Strangely unfamiliar: ideas of the archive from outside the discipline - Alexandrina Buchanan PART 2: SHAPING A DISCIPLINE 4. Structural and formal analysis: the contribution of diplomatics to archival appraisal in the digital environment - Luciana Duranti 5. Archivistics: science or art? - Eric Ketelaar PART 3: ARCHIVE 2.0: ARCHIVES IN SOCIETY 6. Archons, aliens and angels: power and politics in the archive - Verne Harris 7. Interactivity, flexibility and transparency: social media and Archives 2.0 - Kate Theimer 8. The impact of independent and community archives on professional archival thinking and practice - Andrew Flinn PART 4: ARCHIVES IN THE INFORMATION AGE: IS THERE STILL A ROLE FOR THE ARCHIVIST? 9. The postcustodial archive - Adrian Cunningham 10. Information management, records management, knowledge management: the place of archives in a digital age - Nicole Convery 11. Appraisal and the future of archives in the digital era - Richard J Cox Community Archives: The shaping of memory Introduction to the series - Geoffrey Yeo Introduction: Communities and archives - a symbiotic relationship - Jeannette A. Bastian and Ben Alexander PART 1: A COMMUNITY ARCHIVES MODEL 1. 'It is noh mistri, wi mekin histri.' Telling our own story: independent and community archives in the UK, challenging and subverting the mainstream - Andrew Flinn and Mary Stevens 2. Special, local and about us: the development of community archives in Britain - David Mander PART 2: COMMUNITIES AND NON-TRADITIONAL RECORD KEEPING 3. The Single Noongar Claim: native title, archival records and aboriginal community in Western Australia - Glen Kelly 4. Oral tradition in living cultures: the role of archives in the preservation of memory - Patricia Galloway 5. We are our memories: community and records in Fiji - Setareki Tale and Opeta Alefaio PART 3: RECORDS LOSS, DESTRUCTION AND RECOVERY 6. Archiving the queer and queering the archives: a case study of the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (CLGA) - Marcel Barriault 7. A living archive, shared by communities of records - Eric Ketelaar 8. Truth commissions and the construction of collective memory: the Chile experience - Joel A. Blanco-Rivera PART 4: ONLINE COMMUNITIES: HOW TECHOLOGY BRINGS COMMUNITIES AND THEIR RECORDS TOGETHER 9. From Yizkor Books to weblogs: genocide, grassroots documentation and new technologies - Andras Riedlmayer and Stephen Naron 10. Co-creation of the Grateful Dead sound archive: control, access and curation communities - David A. Wallace PART 5: BUILDING A COMMUNITY ARCHIVE 11. 'All the things we cannot articulate': colonial leprosy archives and community commemoration - Ricardo L. Punzalan 12. Overcoming anonymity: Kittitians and their archives - Victoria Borg O'Flaherty 13. Always queer, always here: creating the Black Gay and Lesbian Archive in the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture - Steven G. Fullwood Conclusion: The archivist and community - Richard J. Cox Archives: Principles and practices Foreword - Geoffrey Yeo Introduction 1. What are archives? 2. Archival institutions: creatures of history and culture 3. Archival service: a matter of trust 4. Protecting archives 5. Provenance, original order and respect des fonds 6. Appraising and acquiring archives 7. Arranging and describing archives 8. Making archives available 9. The challenge of digital archives Conclusion To learn more Glossary of terms Key archival terms