The Feng Shui Advantage : Get Your Space Working for YOU! - Kathryn Wilking

The Feng Shui Advantage

Get Your Space Working for YOU!

By: Kathryn Wilking

Hardcover | 31 October 2023

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Working at Home? Or, is it Living at Work?

The last few years have forced a massive social upheaval, as families strive to find a new work routine while juggling the chores and realities of the day within their homes. Many people had to step back from climbing the corporate ladder in order to face realities; looking after others older and younger than themselves. As well, reducing the focus on their jobs can often cultivate more stress!

Get your space working for you and find the work-life-home-balance by applying the principles of Feng Shui! This book will show you how to find a supportive space for work, set boundaries and be more productive.

Setting priorities to meet all the demands of modern day life can be done, cultivating a calm, stress-free, rewarding lifestyle. 

You'll find Practical Advice in this Book for...

  • Working at Home
  • Power Positions
  • Clutter Habit Cues
  • Setting up your Space
  • Zoom Etiquette
  • EMF's and You

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