Volume 1: Part 1 The financial system and retirement income provision: an exact consumption-loan model of interest with or without the social contrivance of money, Paul A. Samuelson; the social insurance paradox, Henry Aaron; a framework for social security analysis, P.A. Diamond; on the role of social security as a means for efficient risk sharing in an economy where human capital is not tradable, Robert C. Merton; on consumption indexed public pension plans, Robert C. Merton; the economic effects of private pensions, James E. Pesando; pension benefit guarantees in the United States - a functional analysis, Zvi Bodie and Robert C. Merton; aging populations, pension systems and government budgets - simulation for 20 OECD countries, Deborah Roseveare. Part 2 Pension investments and the capital markets: managing pension and retirement assets - an international perspective, Zvi Bodie; the structure and performance of the money management industry, Josef Lakonishok et al; financing, administration and portfolio management - how secure is the pension promise?, Jean Frijns and Carel Petersen; the investment performance of US equity pension fund managers - an empirical investigation, T. Daniel Coggin et al; pension schemes as options on pension fund assets -implications for pension fund management, David Blake; the role of institutional investors in the evolution of financial structure and behaviour, E. Philip Davis; corporate governance and pension plans, Robert A.G. Monks; pension funds, capital controls and macroeconomic stability, Helmut Reisen and John Williamson; what the pension benefit guaranty corporation can learn from the federal savings and loan insurance corporation, Zvi Bodie. Volume 2: Part 1 Pensions and the household sector: do priviate pensions increase national savings?, Martin Feldstein; annuity prices and savings behaviour in the United States, Benjamin M. Friedman and Mark Warshawsky; portfolio composition and pension wealth - an econometric study, Louis-David L. Dicks-Mireaux and Mervyn A. King; pensions as retirement income insurance, Zvi Bodie; what is the impact of pensions on saving?, Alicia H. Munnell and Frederick O. Yohn; personal investing - advice, theory and evidence, Zvi Bodie and Dwight B. Crane; effects of social security reform on private and national saving, Eric M. Engen and William G. Gale; the design and production of new retirement saving products, Z. Bodie and Dwight B. Crane. Part 2 Pensions and corporate finance: the principles of corporate pension finance, Jack L. Treynor; corporate pension funding policy, William F. Sharpe; what are corporate pension liabilities?, Jeremy I. Bulow; optimal funding and asset allocation rules for defined-benefit pension plans, J. Michael Harrison and William F. Sharpe; corporate pension policy -an empirical investigation, Zvi Bodie et al; the ABO, the PBO and pension investment policy, Zvi Bodie; public pension plan efficiency, Ping-Lung Hsin and Olivia S. Mitchell; regulatio