This book is a trilogy of three books. The first, Ideas, Quotes, & Writings From the Founding Fathers, gives insights into their ideas and beliefs regarding the founding of the United States, including: What did the Founding Fathers mean by "provide for the general welfare" in the Constitution? What powers did the Founding Fathers believe the Constitution gave to the Federal Government? And what powers were not? What about the future of the Federal Government and the country and what were their thoughts about where the country might be headed? And more... The second book, God Christianity, & the Founding of the United States, is about the role of God and religion in both the founding of the United States and also the government. Including... Benjamin Franklin and prayer save the Constitutional Convention A forgotten Founding Father and the Great Awakening Were the Founding Fathers Christians or Deists? The Founding Fathers on the importance of morality and religion What the Founding Fathers believed was the role of the Federal and State Governments in regards to religion The opening session of Congress begins with an argument over prayer, and much more... Learn what Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Franklin, and many others had to say about the issues concerning religion and the founding of the United States, and the issues that are still being debated in our country today. The third book, The Duel for America, Jefferson vs. Hamilton, is about the battle between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. It was a battle about whether the country should move in the direction of small or big government, the size of the government debt, whether the constitution should be interpreted strictly or loosely, and whether the country should move to a pure free market system or to a system where the government works with the businesses it chooses to help promote the welfare of the country. This book will cover the issues debated by the Founding Fathers during the formation of the country. It will show that are still at the center of the debates of today. It will also cover the events that shaped both their lives and the nation including... * The key differences between the Jefferson and Hamilton visions for the United States * What constitutional phrase did Thomas Jefferson believe would give Congress the power "to do whatever evil they please" if the Constitution was loosely interpreted? * What constitutional phrase Thomas Jefferson believed was the key to strict interpretation. * The birth of the small government/big government debate that rages on even today * The Hamilton Burr Duel. And much more... Learn what Jefferson and Hamilton believed and how their philosophies shaped not only the formation of the United States, but the very issues that are being debated in the nation today. All three books rely on the writings and words of the Founding Fathers themselves. Read their words and discover their forgotten history."