The Girl with Special Shoes : Miracles Don't Always Look Like You'd Expect - Hilda Bih Muluh

The Girl with Special Shoes

Miracles Don't Always Look Like You'd Expect

By: Hilda Bih Muluh, Joni Eareckson Tada (Foreword by)

Paperback | 15 August 2023

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Hilda's family didn't know she had muscular dystrophy. They just knew their preschooler was losing her ability to walk. But they were determined to find a cure.

Being disabled in Cameroon meant not only obstacles to transport, but visits to diviners and evangelists, threats of sexual assault, discrimination, and a crisis of faith. Despite the hardship Hilda has faced, her family's unwavering support and God's unwavering grace have helped her persevere to become a national broadcaster. Her inspiring triumph over adversity will give you hope, no matter how dark your trials. Walk a mile in Hilda's shoes and learn how:
  • She lost her mobility and found her purpose.
  • A gutsy girl broke the glass ceiling of disability.
  • People saw her broken body, but God saw a worthy vessel.
  • She and her family searched for healing, but God had other plans.
  • She didn't need to stand to be outstanding.
  • God was on the move when she was stuck.
  • Her hope overcame hardship.

The Girl with Special Shoes is the witty and heartfelt story of a family's sacrificial love and a God who refashions pain into purpose.

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