Two of the world's most beloved spiritual teachers and leading figures in the Shambhala tradition of Buddhism discuss the core principles and practices of the tradition and how personal meditation practice can forge an enlightened society.
Best-selling authors Pema Chodron and Sakyong Mipham get to the heart of Shambhala practice in this recorded retreat on the ways that inner peace and bravery can help us cultivate compassionate action and positive societal change. They offer insight on the inherent strength and goodness of humanity and on how each of us can tap into that strength through meditation practice. Sakyong Mipham provides guided practices on core Shambhala meditations for developing courage, love for others, and respect for others' basic human dignity; Pema Chodron teaches extensively on how personal spiritual practice relates to community betterment; and a compelling panel discussion with Shambhala teacher Adam Lobel and Episcopal Rev. Marc Handley Andrus reviews how the retreat's teachings can be brought to bear in today's interconnected global society.