"If you ever see an incredibly organized pantry or enviably neat closet from your favorite celebrity on Instagram, it's probably the work of Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, co-founders of The Home Edit. These professional home organization experts live for color-coded shelves, matching baskets and labeled jars to help their A-list clients achieve organization nirvana."
"Illustrated with beautiful photos and providing clear steps to get it done, this book could help you tackle those [New Year] organizing resolutions."
--Real Simple "[Clea and Joanna] are bringing their tried-and-true decluttering methods straight from their celeb clients' closets into your home, along with step-by-step tips to help even the most organizationally-challenged among us implement and maintain their aesthetically pleasing lifestyle hacks."--People
"Before you finish filling your cart, add in [Clea and Joanna's] new book, The Home Edit for more genius organizing ideas. Mandy Moore approves."--Good Housekeeping
"Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, authors of 'The Home Edit: A Guide to Organizing and Realizing Your House Goals, ' have taken a rainbow approach to organization inside the homes of celebs like Khloe Kardashian and Gwenyth Paltrow."--Good Morning America
"The Home Edit has grown a loyal celebrity and social media following thanks to a streamlined philosophy that's often delivered with some hilarious punch lines. Their new book is a room-by-room guide to this philosophy."--Architectural Digest
"The Home Edit co-founders are at the top of our list when we're seeking organizational advice."--MyDomaine
"When the stars need help with a mess, they call The Home Edit. Not to worry, though, the ladies of the business have a book coming out that will give all their tips and tricks, so you can have a Hollywood-worthy pantry as well."--Realtor
"Just in time for everyone's 'spring cleaning goals' comes the book everyone needs! Part inspirational pep talk, part organizational how-to and part eye candy . . . The Home Edit is the real deal."--Pretty Pink Tulips
"This Nashville-based duo is pulling back the curtain on how to create beautiful, clutter-free spaces . . . The Home Edit is both a practical and approachable guide for cleaner, stress-free living."--Nashville Lifestyles
"The Home Edit is like a recipe book for reclaiming your sanity."--Try Small Things