List of illustrations | |
Preface | |
Acknowledgements | |
Glossary of terms | |
Sources and methodology | |
General introduction | |
Venice in the Early Quattrocento: | |
The economic and political background | |
The city in 1400 | |
The medieval Venetian palace | |
The Contarini Casada: | |
The Contarini: a great patrician clan | |
Marin and his marriage | |
Antonio Contarini, an ambitious father | |
Contarini's business activities | |
A domestic interlude: family and servants 1426-1430 | |
The new palace at Santa Sofia: motives and methods | |
First impressions: the plan, structure and appearance of the palace | |
Building in Medieval Venice: | |
The building trade guilds | |
The men who built the palace: an introduction | |
Building contracts and procedures | |
The stonemasons' yards | |
Technology on site | |
Daily life on site | |
The building industry: money, wages and standards of living | |
Building the Palace: The First Stage: | |
Building the palace: first records 1421 | |
The appointment of Zane Bon | |
two master masons | |
Carpenters on site 1425-1426 | |
The work of Matteo Raverti and his bottega 1425-1428 | |
The Front Façade: | |
The main façade: its design and appearance | |
Zane Bon and the main façade: the arcade to the quay | |
The work of Bon on the façade up to 1429 | |
Matteo Raverti and the façade: the lower loggia | |
The upper logia | |
Building the quay and assembling the façade I | |
Assembling the façade II: a locum master builder and a master blacksmith | |
Completing the Fabric: | |
Building the upper walls 1429-1430: maestro Cristofolo | |
The carpenters: the Rosso bottega 1428-1431 | |
The ancillary trades 1428-1430: terazer, fregador, pentor, intaiador | |
The final stages of building the palace: the last works of Bon | |
Antonio di Martini | |
Finishing touches: | |
The House of Gold: decorating the façade 1431-1433 | |
The last work of the stone masons: Rosso and Romanello after 1430 | |
the last works of builders, carpenter and glaziers | |
The completed palace: the image and the cost | |
Marin Conatarini: the final chapter | |
Postscript: Contarini's succession | |
Conclusion: | |
Contarini's role | |
The legacy of the palace: its historical importance | |
The legacy of the Cà d'Oro in the later work of Bartolomeo Bon | |
The after-life on the palace | |
Appendices | |
Select bibliography | |
Index | |
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