The Introduction to Systematic Kinesiology : Muscle Testing & Holistic Energy Balancing - Brian Henry Butler

The Introduction to Systematic Kinesiology

Muscle Testing & Holistic Energy Balancing

By: Brian Henry Butler

Paperback | 10 February 2019

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The many imbalances which occur just coping with the stress of everyday life can be found, and then analysed with Kinesiology. All imbalances which can be found with Kinesiolology can be corrected. Health and Well-Being improve.

As we become healthier, our own miraculous powers of recuperation can get to work. Our bodies have many very intricate and amazing mechanisms for putting its own house in order. Just watch a cut heal!

By balancing imbalances regularly we help the body to solve the little problems. This means that big problems do not get a chance to develop. This opens the door to true prevention.


Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb said over a hundred years ago:

The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will interest his pa­tients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.

We are not quite there yet! But, with Kinesiology we now have the tools to deal with and correct the many day to day imbalances which the body is unable to resolve for itself.


If you have a problem with any of the discomforts we all typically experience, there is a very good chance that Kinesiology will prob­ably help you. Remember it is always wise to have a check-up with a health professional. Persistent problems should always be checked with a physician.

Kinesiology is simple, non-intrusive, and enables us to get into harmony with our own bodies. The basics are easy to learn and the results dramatic. Use the ideas in this book, and feel the benefit.


One of the simplest of Kinesiological techniques can help relieve upset feelings in a very powerful way. Emotional Stress Release (E.S.R.) really can work wonders.

How many times have you-wanted to reach out and help someone who is very upset? Have you felt a bit helpless sometimes? Tea and sympathy certainly have their place, as does a consoling arm around the shoulder and a listening ear. But unfortunately these sympathetic and kindly acts do not always really help in a permanent way.

Everyone has to contend in daily life with events and circumstances which create negative feelings. Keeping calm and centred at times of emotional upsets is not easy. We all experience emotional stress in our lives. It affects us all adversely at one time or another. Kinesiology offers a way to help others resolve upsets simply.

Despite all out efforts to keep smiling, life's trials and tribulations sometimes get us down.

When we are knocked off our emotional equi­ librium, everything seems more difficult to hand­le. Unpleasant jobs we would normally tackle easily seem daunting. Difficult people we can normally cope with suddenly become impossible to contend with. Work stresses we can usually handle, cause us to fly off it!

It does not seem to matter how serious the problem appears at the time, using E.S.R. will help the person to deal with it. A few minutes of this hands on method of dealing with upset feel­ ings will create an entirely new perspective.

The amazing thing is that the relief gained seems to be permanent.

Industry Reviews

Where orthodox medicine cannot really help, Kinesiology is an indespensible tool particularly for finding food sensitivities. In using complex homoeopathy it facilitates the selection of the most appropriate remedy. It enables me to get dramatically better insight and results with patients. Dr. R.A.J. Doctor

Sick for twenty years, aching all over, I was diagnosed as having the total allergy syndrome. Kinesiology has made me a new woman, I can eat anything and even go for seconds! Kinesiology is now a vital part of my daiily work. Ann B. Physiotherapist.

They said I had the post viral symdrome. I was totally out of order, no energy, depressed, and all I wanted to do at school for the last ten months is put my head on the table. They found I was wheat sensitive. After my first Kinesiology balance, I felt great, I knew my energy had come back. Nicole B. Student

Matthew's problems started at birth with lethargy and asthma. At ten he was unable to sit still, concentrate, or do any work at school. First his adenoids out, then tonsils, then ear grommets, all the tablets ahcieved nothing... After one Kinesiology session, he has gone from strength to strength. Mrs. T. mother of five

In spite of my total skepticism as a scientist, I am amazed at what I can do with Kineisiology after just one week course. The amount of help it has enabled me to give my family and friends is quite astonishing. Dr. A.E. Biochemist

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