Some Keys to the Literature. Prefaces. 1. Historical Aspects of Diabetes and Diabetic Renal Disease; T. Deckert. 2. The Nature of the Diabetic Glomerulus: Pressure-Induced and Metabolic Aberrations; P. Cortes, B.L. Riser. 3. Definition of Diabetic Renal Disease in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes mellitus Based on Renal Function Tests; C.E. Mogensen. 4. Retinopathy in Relation to Albuminuria and Blood Pressure in IDDM; N. Chaturvedi, J.H. Fuller. 5. Microalbuminuria and Cardivascular Disease; S.M. Thomas, G. Viberti. 6. The Heart in Diabetes: Results of Trials; G. Zuanetti, et al. 7. Albuminuria in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes - Renal or Extra Renal Disease? A. Schmitz. 8. The Clinical Course of Renal Disease in Caucasian NIDDM-Patiens; S. Nielsen, A. Schmitz. 9. Use of Albumin/Creatinine Ratio in Patient Care and Clinical Studies; J.H. Warram, A. Krolewzki. 10. Serum Creatinine and Other Measures of GFR in Diabetes; P. Rossing. 11. Familial Factors in Diabetic Nephropathy; D.J. Petitt, et al. 12. Genetics and Diabetic Nephropathy; M. Marre, B. Bouhanick. 13. The Concept of Low Birth Weight and Renal Disease; J.R. Nyengaard, E. Vestbo. 14. Effect of Insulin on the Kidney and the Cardiovascular System; E. Ferrannini. 15. Diabetes, Hypertension, and Kidney Disease in the PIMA Indians; W.C. Knowler, et al. 16. Value of Screening for Microalbuminuria in People with Diabetes as well as in the General Population; B. Feldt-Rasmussen, et al. 17. Incidence of Nephropathy in IDDM as Related to Mortality. Cost and Benefits of Early Intervention; K. Borch-Johnsen. 18. Measurement of Albumin and Other Urinary Proteins in Low Concentration in Diabetes mellitus: Techniques and Clinical Significance; D.J.F. Rowe, W. Gatling. 19. Office Tests for Microalbuminuria; P.L. Poulsen. 20. Exercise and the Kidney in Diabetes; C.E. Mogensen. 21. Von Willebrand Factor, Dysfunction of the Vascular Endothelium, and the Development of Renal and Vascular Complications in Diabetes; C.D.A. Stehouwer. 22. Smoking and Diabetic Nephropathy; P.T. Sawicki. 23. Light Microscopy of Diabetic Glomerulopathy: the Classic Lesion; S. Olsen. 24. Renal Ultrastructural Changes in Microalbuminuric IDDM-Patients; H.-J. Bangstad, et al. 25. Renal Structure in Non Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Patients with Micro-albuminuria; P. Fioretto, et al. 26. Sodium-Hydrogen Antiport, Cell Function and Susceptibility to Diabetic Nephropathy; R. Trevisan, G. Viberti. 27. Advanced Glycation End-Products and Diabetic Renal Disease; M. Cooper, G. Jerums. 28. Protein Kinase C in Diabetic Renal Involvement, the Perspective of Inhibition; D. Koya, G.L. King. 29. Biochemical Aspects of Diabetic Nephropathy; E.D. Schleicher. 30. The Steno Hypothesis and Glomerular Basement Membrane Biochemistry in Diabetic Nephropathy; A. Kofoed-Enevoldsen. 31. Volume Homeostasis and Blood Pressure in Diabetic States; J.A. O'Hare, J.B. Ferriss. 32. Pathogenesis of Diabetic Glomerulopathy: The Role of Glomerular Hemodynamic Factors; S. Anderson. 33. The Role of Growth Hormone, Insulin-Like Growth Factors, Epidermal Growth Factor and Transforming Growth Factor-b in Diabetic Kidney Disease: An Update; A. Flyvbjerg, et al. 34. Transforming Growth Factor Beta and Other Cytokines in Experimental and Human Diabetic Nephropathy; F.N. Ziyadeh, et al. 35. Blood Pressure Elevation in Diabetes: The Results from 24-h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Recordings; K.W. Hansen, et al. 36. Lipidaemia and Diabetic Renal Disease; P.-H. Groop. 37. Microalbuminuria in Young Patients with Type 1 Diabetes; H.B. Mortensen. 38. Early Renal Hyperfunction and Hypertrophy in IDDM Patients Including Comments on Early Intervention; M.M. Pedersen. 39. ACE-Inhibition and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade, and Diabetic Nephropathy; N. Hollenberg. 40. The Concept of Incipient Diabetic Nephropathy and Effect of Early Antihypertensive Intervention; M. Marre, et al. 41. Clinical Trials in Overt Diabetic Nephropathy; S. Bjorck. 42. Antihypertensive Treatment in NIDDM, with Special Reference to Abnormal Albuminuria; M. Cooper, P.G. McNally. 43. The Course of Incipient and Overt Diabetic Nephropathy: The Perspective of More Optimal Insulin Treatment; B. Feldt-Rasmussen. 44. Non-Glycaemic Intervention in Diabetic Nephropathy: The Role of Dietary Protein Intake; J. Walker. 45. Microalbuminuria and Diabetic Pregnancy; C.E. Mogensen, J.G. Klebe. 46. Diabetic Nephropathy and Pregnancy; J.L. Kitzmiller, C.A. Combs. 47. Evolution Worldwide of Renal Replacement Therapy in Diabetes; R. Bilous. 48. Haemodialysis in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetic Patients with End Stage Renal Failure; E. Ritz, D. Cordonnier. 49. Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis in Uremic Diabetics; D.G. Oreopoulos, E.V. Balaskas. 50. Renal Transplantation for Diabetic Nephropathy; E.A. Friedman. 51. Prevention of Diabetic Renal Disease with Special Reference to Microalbuminuria; C.E. Mogensen, et al. 52. Combination Therapy for Hypertension and Renal Disease in Diabetes; I.P. Villarosa, G.L. Bakris. 53. Microalbuminuria in Patients with Essential Hypertension. Cardiovascular and Renal Implications; S. Bianchi, et al. 54. A Comparison of Progression in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Renal Disease: Similarity of Progression Promoters; G. Navis, et al.