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The Last Days of T.E. Lawrence : A Leaf in the Wind - Paul Marriott

The Last Days of T.E. Lawrence

A Leaf in the Wind

By: Paul Marriott

Paperback | 2 November 2021

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THE LAST DAYS OF T.E. LAWRENCE is a chronicle of the time from when Lawrence of Arabia left the RAF up to his fateful motorcycle accident on 13 May 1935. Much of the story is told in Lawrence's own words, from diaries and letters. It covers his time at Clouds Hill, the picturesque cottage in Dorset, where Lawrence intended to retire. The title of the book is taken from "Leaves in the Wind", Lawrence's last and unpublished writing project. The book reveals his state of mind as he prepared to leave the airforce. Travelling on his Brough Superior motorcycle along a narrow Dorset lane, Lawrence collided with two push-bikes. An official witness told of Lawrence travelling fast, and swerving to avoid a black car coming the opposite direction. This book painstakingly fits together all the evidence to determine the truth of the motorcycle crash that led to the death of Lawrence of Arabia. for the first time a detailed record is set down covering the last six days before the accident.

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