Permission Acknowledgments
Introduction - Scott D. Mackie, Independent Scholar
Part One: Theology, Christology, and Pneumatology
Introduction to Part 1
1. Structure and Theology in Hebrews 1:1-14 - John P. Meier, University of Notre Dame, USA
2. The Christology of Hebrews - C.K. Barrett, University of Durham, UK
3. A Celebration of the Enthroned Son: The Catena of Hebrews 1 - Kenneth L. Schenck, Indiana Wesleyan University, USA
4. God in Hebrews: Urging Children to Heavenly Glory - Harold W. Attridge, Yale University, USA
5. Pneuma in Hebrews: Prophet and Interpreter - Martin Emmrich, Reformed Theological Seminary, USA
6. Brotherly Love and the High Priest Christology of Hebrews - Patrick Gray, Rhodes College, USA
7. The Passion: Reconsidering Hebrews 5.7-8 - Christopher Richardson, Covenant Anglican Church, USA
8. 'If Another Priest Arises': Jesus' Resurrection and the High Priestly Christology of Hebrews - David M. Moffitt, University of St. Andrews, UK
Suggestions for Further Reading
Part Two: Eschatology
Introduction to Part 2
9. The Eschatology of the Epistle to the Hebrews - C.K. Barrett, University of Durham, UK
10. Sabbath, Rest, and Eschatology in the New Testament - Andrew T. Lincoln, University of Gloucester, UK
11. Philo and the Epistle to the Hebrews: Ronald Williamson's Study after Thirty Years -- Kenneth L. Schenck, Indiana Wesleyan University, USA
Suggestions for Further Reading
Part Three: The Author and the Addressed Community
Introduction to part 3
12. The Rhetorical Structure of Hebrews - Barnabas Lindars, University of Manchester, UK
13. Hebrews and the Implied Author's Rhetorical Ethos -- Walter Ãœbelacker, University of Lund, Sweden
Suggestions for Further Reading
Part Four: Structure, Greco-Roman Rhetoric, and Hortatory Strategy
Introduction to Part 4
14. Exchanging Favor for Wrath: Apostasy in Hebrews and Patron-Client Relationships -- David A. deSilva, Asbury Theological Seminary, USA
15. Hebrews, Rhetoric, and the Future of Humanity -- Craig R. Koester, Luther Seminary, USA
16. Choosing What Is Advantageous: The Relationship between Epideictic and Deliberative Syncrisis in Hebrews -- Michael W. Martin, Lubbock Christian University, USA and Jason A. Whitlark, Baylor University, USA
Suggestions for Further Reading
Part Five: The Old Testament and the Relationship with Contemporaneous Judaism
Introduction to Part 5
17. The Exegetical Method of the Epistle to the Hebrews -- George B. Caird, University of Oxford, UK
18. Hebrews' Use of the Old Testament: Recent Trends in Research -- George H. Guthrie, Union University, USA
19. A Place for Hebrews? Contexts for a First-Century Sermon - Peter Walker, Trinity School for Ministry, USA
20. The Epistle (Not Necessarily) to the 'Hebrews': A Call to Renunciation of Judaism or Encouragement to Christian Commitment? - Eric F. Mason, Judson University, USA
Suggestions for Further Reading
Part Six: Soteriology
Introduction to Part 6
21. A Broken Covenant and the Curse of Death: A Study of Hebrews 9:15-22 - Scott W. Hahn, Franciscan University of Steubenville, USA
22. God's Purposes and Christ's Saving Work According to Hebrews -- Craig R. Koester, Luther Seminary, USA
23. Ancient Jewish Mystical Motifs in Hebrews' Theology of Access and Entry Exhortations -- Scott D. Mackie, Independent Scholar, USA
Suggestions for Further Reading
Index of References
Index of Authors