The Little Book of Night-time Animal Sounds : Sound Book - Andrea Pinnington

The Little Book of Night-time Animal Sounds

Sound Book

By: Andrea Pinnington, Caz Buckingham

Board Book | 1 May 2022

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Contains batteries. Keep batteries out of reach of children.

Now you can listen to the sounds of the night with this magically atmospheric tour of the animals who inhabit the world around you whilst you sleep easily accessed at the touch of 12 simple sound buttons.

Guaranteed to chase away bed-time fears and make the night a time to look forward to eagerly. This is a wonderful book for all the family to enjoy and one that brings the wonderful world of nature even closer to you. Who goes there? Now you ll know!

About the Authors

Caz Buckingham and Andrea Pinnington spend most of their time outside listening, looking and learning.

This book is the culmination of years of wondering, 'What bird made that sound?' They hope to inspire a new generation of bird lovers and solve many family arguments at the same time.

Andrea Pinnington has written and edited all kinds of books for children and is the creative whizz behind a stack of children's craft and activity books.

She lives in Guildford, Surrey.
  • Swallowing of the battery can lead to chemical burns, perforation of soft tissue, and death. Severe burns can occur within 2 hours of ingestion.
  • If swallowed or otherwise placed inside any part of the body, seek medical attention immediately, Australian Poisons Information Centre is available 24/7 on 13 11 26 for fast, expert advice.
  • For battery disposal, we recommend taping both sides of used button/coin batteries and disposing of them immediately in an outside bin, out of reach of children or recycle safely.

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