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The Little Prince : Wordsworth Children's Classics - Antoine Saint-Exupery

The Little Prince

By: Antoine Saint-Exupery

Paperback | 1 December 2001

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The Little Prince is a classic tale of equal appeal to children and adults. On one level it is the story of an airman's discovery, in the desert, of a small boy from another planet - the Little Prince of the title - and his stories of intergalactic travel, while on the other hand it is a thought-provoking allegory of the human condition. First published in 1943, the year before the author's death in action, this translation contains Saint-Exupery's delightful illustrations.

About the Author

Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-1944) was a French aviator and author. He had a passion for adventure and was one of the pioneers of international postal flight in the days when aircraft had few instruments. He flew routes across Spain into Africa and also flew in Brazil and Argentina for a time. He survived a 1935 crash in the Sahara, an experience he made reference to in his fable,The Little Prince, which begins with a pilot being marooned in the desert. At the outbreak of World War II, he joined the French Air Force, but with Germany's occupation of France, he relocated to the U.S. and Canada, where he spent the majority of his time writing.

Toward the end of World War II, he joined the Free French Forces and fought with the Allies despite being older than most men in the squadron. He disappeared on a reconnaissance flight over the Mediterranean in July 1944.

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