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The Man with Bad Manners - El hombre maleducado : English-Spanish Edition - Idries Shah

The Man with Bad Manners - El hombre maleducado

English-Spanish Edition

By: Idries Shah, Rose Mary Santiago (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 September 2015

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(Bilingual English-Spanish edition / Edici³n biling¼e ingl©s-espa±ol) This is the story of a very badly behaved man, how a young boy in the village hatches a plan to change the man's behavior - and how, with the help of the other villagers, the plan succeeds, to everyone's benefit. Children, of course, love the idea of an adult behaving badly. At the same time, the story helps them learn valuable lessons about initiative, negotiation, conflict resolution and cooperation. Rose Mary Santiago's illustrations provide delightful and amusing counterpoint to the tale. The Man with Bad Manners is one of an illustrated series of Sufi teaching stories from the Middle East and Central Asia that were collected and adapted for children by Idries Shah, and that have captivated hearts and minds for more than a thousand years. The stories are designed to help children learn to examine their assumptions and to think for themselves. In the Sufi tradition, there is a continuum between the children's story, the entertainment or folklore story and the instructional or instrumental story. A story can help children deal with difficult situations and give them something to hold on to, but it can also stimulate a deeper understanding in adults.    

Esta es la historia de un hombre que se porta muy mal, de c³mo un ni±o en el pueblo inventa un plan para cambiar el comportamiento del hombre y de c³mo, con la ayuda de los dem¡s aldeanos, el plan tiene ©xito, para beneficio de todos. A los ni±os, por supuesto, les encanta la idea de que un adulto se comporte mal. Al mismo tiempo, la historia les ayuda a aprender valiosas lecciones sobre iniciativa, negociaci³n, resoluci³n de conflictos y cooperaci³n. Las ilustraciones de Rose Mary Santiago proporcionan un contrapunto encantador y divertido al cuento. El hombre maleducado forma parte de una serie ilustrada de historias de ense±anza suf­es de Oriente Medio y Asia central que fueron recopiladas y adaptadas para ni±os por Idries Shah, y que han cautivado corazones y mentes durante m¡s de mil a±os. Las historias est¡n dise±adas para ayudar a los ni±os a aprender a examinar sus suposiciones y a pensar por s­ mismos. En la tradici³n suf­, existe un continuo entre el cuento infantil, el cuento de entretenimiento o folcl³rico y el cuento instrumental o instructivo. Una historia puede ayudar a los ni±os a lidiar con situaciones dif­ciles y darles algo a lo que aferrarse, pero tambi©n puede estimular una comprensi³n m¡s profunda en los adultos.

Industry Reviews

"(Illustrator Rose Mary Santiago's) delightfully childlike figures, with their comically exaggerated expressions, are perfectly cast to carry out this story's message of peaceful conflict resolution." - School Library Journal (U.S.)

"A young boy decides to reform an ill-mannered neighbor and finds in himself a newfound skill for resolving conflicts in this warm, inviting story of resolution." - Midwest Book Review (U.S.)

"These teaching stories can be experienced on many levels. A child may simply enjoy hearing them; an adult may analyze them in a more sophisticated way. Both may eventually benefit from the lessons within." - "All Things Considered," National Public Radio (U.S.)

"They [teaching stories] suggest ways of looking at difficulties that can help children solve problems calmly while, at the same time, giving them fresh perspectives on these difficulties that help them develop their cognitive abilities" - psychologist Robert Ornstein, Ph.D., in his lecture "Teaching Stories and the Brain" given at the U.S. Library of Congress

"Through repeated readings, these stories provoke fresh insight and more flexible thought in children. Beautifully illustrated." - NEA Today: The Magazine of the National Education Association (U.S.)

"Shah's versatile and multilayered tales provoke fresh insight and more flexible thought in children." - Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature

"These stories ... are not moralistic fables or parables, which aim to indoctrinate, nor are they written only to amuse. Rather, they are carefully designed to show effective ways of defining and responding to common life experiences." - Denise Nessel, Ph.D., Senior Consultant with the National Urban Alliance for Effective Education (U.S.), writing in Library Media Connection: The Professional Magazine for School Library Media Specialists (U.S.)

"These enchanting stories Shah has collected have a richness and depth not often encountered in children's literature, and their effect on minds young and old can be almost magical." - Multicultural Perspectives: An Official Journal of the National Association for Multicultural Education (U.S.)

"Shah has collected hundreds of Sufi tales, many of which are teaching tales or instructional stories. In this tradition, the line between stories for children and those for adults is not as clear as it seems to be in Western cultures, and the lessons are important for all generations." - School Library Journal (U.S.)

"... these are vibrant, engaging, universal stories...." - Multicultural Perspectives: An Official Journal of the National Association for Multicultural Education (U.S.)

"... a series of children's books that have captivated the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life. The books are tales from a rich tradition of story telling from Central Asia and the Middle East. Stories told and retold to children, by campfire and candlelight, for more than a thousand years." - NEA Today: The Magazine of the National Education Association (U.S.)

"... they not only entertain, but can be understood on many different levels and provide a form of 'nourishment for the brain' that can help develop thinking abilities and perceptions." - Multicultural Perspectives: An Official Journal of the National Association for Multicultural Education (U.S.)

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