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The McKinsey Way : Using the Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your Business - Ethan Rasiel

The McKinsey Way

Using the Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your Business

By: Ethan Rasiel

Hardcover | 1 March 1999 | Edition Number 1

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"If more business books were as useful, concise, and just plain fun to read as THE MCKINSEY WAY, the business world would be a better place." --Julie Bick, best-selling author of ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IN BUSINESS I LEARNED AT MICROSOFT.

"Enlivened by witty anecdotes, THE MCKINSEY WAY contains valuable lessons on widely diverse topics such as marketing, interviewing, team-building, and brainstorming." --Paul H. Zipkin, Vice-Dean, The Fuqua School of Business

It's been called "a breeding ground for gurus." McKinsey & Company is the gold-standard consulting firm whose alumni include titans such as "In Search of Excellence" author Tom Peters, Harvey Golub of American Express, and Japan's Kenichi Ohmae.

When Fortune 100 corporations are stymied, it's the "McKinsey-ites" whom they call for help. In THE MCKINSEY WAY, former McKinsey associate Ethan Rasiel lifts the veil to show you how the secretive McKinsey works its magic, and helps you emulate the firm's well-honed practices in problem solving, communication, and management.

He shows you how McKinsey-ites think about business problems and how they work at solving them, explaining the way McKinsey approaches every aspect of a task:
  • How McKinsey recruits and molds its elite consultants;
  • How to "sell without selling";
  • How to use facts, not fear them;
  • Techniques to jump-start research and make brainstorming more productive;
  • How to build and keep a team at the top its game;
  • Powerful presentation methods, including the famous waterfall chart, rarely seen outside McKinsey;
  • How to get ultimate "buy-in" to your findings;
  • Survival tips for working in high-pressure organizations.

    Both a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most admired and secretive companies in the business world and a toolkit of problem-solving techniques without peer, THE MCKINSEY WAY is fascinating reading that empowers every business decision maker to become a better strategic player in any organization.
  • Industry Reviews
    McKinsey and Co is probably the best-known management consultancy in the world. Even the most cynical exponent of the view that business consultants 'borrow your watch to tell you the time, and then keep the watch' would accept their pre-eminence. Here an insider sets out to show how a McKinsey consultant thinks, how they approach things and how those approaches can be valuable to others. From identifying the cause of problems to making the consultant role acceptable and helpful, the key approaches are presented succinctly, enlivened by anecdotes, and provide valuable insights into a unique aspect of the business world. (Kirkus UK)

    McGraw Hill McKinsey Way Series