The Mona Lisa : Chimera of magical figures - Pavel Floresco

The Mona Lisa

Chimera of magical figures

By: Pavel Floresco, Carmina Felice, Silvano Vinceti (Introduction by)

eBook | 18 May 2021

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Developing a theory already known worldwide since 2015, the art researchers Pavel Floresco and Carmina Felice published, in 2021, a new study concerning the disputed identity of the woman from the Mona Lisa painting (perhaps Lisa Gherardini, perhaps Pacifica Brandani or another person). The authors present a series of coincidences established through the numerical conversion of the dialectal versions of the Italian appellatives La Gioconda and Mo(n)na Lisa. Without any connection with the anatomical details of any portrait, this symbolic figure is repeatedly found not only in the expressive characteristics of the famous masterpiece, but also in many other works of the Renaissance genius.
