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The Mongolian Economy : A Manual of Applied Economics for a Country in Transition - F.I. Nixson

The Mongolian Economy : A Manual of Applied Economics for a Country in Transition

By: F.I. Nixson (Editor), etc. (Editor), Bat Suvd (Editor), Puntsagdash Luvsandorj (Editor), Bernard Walters (Editor)


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Contents: Preface Introduction 1. Transition and Development 2. Administrative Reform 3. Macroeconomic Policy and Performance 4. Money and Finance 5. The External Sector 6. Industry and Transport 7. Privatisation, Enterprise and Private Sector Development 8. Role of Livestock and Crop Economy in the Mongolian Economic Transition 9. Environmental Impacts of the Mongolian Economic Transition 10. Poverty in Mongolia 11. The Mongolian Labour Market in Transition 12. The Gender Dimension of Economic Transition in Mongolia Index Contributors: Y. Adya, B. Bat, T. Bolormaa, N. Bose, D. Chimeddagva, K. Clark, D. Dagvadorj, E. Gurgemjav, R. Harrington, J. Jargalsaikhan, P. Luvsandorj, D. Molomjamts, L. Myagmarjav, F.I. Nixson, B. Robinson, N.P. Russell, A. Solongo, P.C. Stubbs, B. Suvd, D. Tserenpil, T. Tseveen, B. Walters.

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