A brilliant new Lent Course for 2016, by the author of the acclaimed Christ and the Chocolaterie and Finding a Voice.
Based on the Oscar-winning film The Theory of Everything, this course deals with struggles of reason versus faith, the romantic versus the pragmatic, success and failure, the complications of relationships under pressure, and seeking understanding versus living with mystery. Daily readings present the Bible as a book struggling to make sense of life, rather than a book of absolute answers, but finding meaning in the face of mystery via the paradox of humility and trust before God.
It is designed to be studied by groups or individuals alongside the DVD of the movie.
Industry Reviews
'Whenever I interviewed prospective maths or science teachers, I asked them how they would teach the Universal Field Theory to a bright Year 10 pupil. Despite a host of fazed candidates, I persevered with this question because the subject seemed obvious and ultimate. This holding together the macro and the micro is at the heart of both theoretical physics and the Christian faith, and Hilary Brand tackles an impossible subject with great skill in her Lent course, the Mystery of Everything. A self-confessed non-scientist, she bases her course on the film about Stephen and Jane Hawking, The Theory of Everything, with five sessions, each with a substantial prologue and epilogue, on wonder, weakness, relationships, frailty and hope. She writes lucidly and helpfully about physics, about the interface between science and faith, and very movingly about her personal experience of her friend Sally, who suffered from Motor Neurone disease, yet to the end was wowed by God's amazing grace. There are some stunningly relevant quotes, each session contains pertinent questions for the group to chew over, ending with a worship session with some original and highly numinous prayers. In addition there are six weeks of personal bible studies on mystery in Genesis, Job, the Psalms, Wisdom literature, Paul's epistles and the Gospels, written in the same lucid and punchy style. A snip at just GBP5.99.' David Wilbourne - Church Times Lent Book Review