The New Breed : Understanding and Equipping the 21st Century Volunteer - Jonathan McKee

The New Breed

Understanding and Equipping the 21st Century Volunteer

By: Jonathan McKee

Paperback | 1 September 2012 | Edition Number 2

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The world of volunteers has changed. But have you changed, too?

Across the country, volunteer ranks continue to grow, but people are volunteering differently. They're working online, seeking flexible schedules, and pursuing a role in defining how projects should be completed. They want to feel a sense of responsibility for your organization's overall mission.

Put simply, these volunteers don't want to simply make a contribution; they want to make a difference!

Jonathan McKee and Thomas McKee have tapped into their decades of experience with the simple goal of helping you recruit, manage, and lead the new breed of volunteers. They'll guide you to a clearer understanding of what today's volunteers look like, how they want to get involved, and how you can most effectively attract, train, and unleash them within your organization.

You'll also discover a bounty of helpful resources to assist you, including job descriptions, applications, and interview questions; activities, icebreakers, and team-builders for volunteer meetings; community-building activities; and tips for board retreats and planning sessions.

The 21st century calls for a new system and for a greatly expanded definition of what it means to be a volunteer. If you can harness this passion and potential, you'll experience results that will reward both your organization and your volunteers.

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