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The New Dating Playbook for Badass Women : How to Go from DATING SUCKS to WE'RE IN LOVE! Faster and Easier - Scott McDougal

The New Dating Playbook for Badass Women

How to Go from DATING SUCKS to WE'RE IN LOVE! Faster and Easier

By: Scott McDougal

Paperback | 22 May 2020

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Are you a strong, independent, financially driven woman who's sick and tired of traditional dating advice that isn't working?

  • Are you attracting enough quality men who meet your standards?
  • Are men stepping up and pursuing you the way you want them to?
  • Do most of your first dates lead to second dates?
  • How many times have you liked a guy, but never took any action to advance the cause?
  • Have you ever been ghosted by a guy without any clear reason why?
  • Have you had your fair share of serious relationships, but most have ended in heartbreak?
  • Does online dating make you want to pull your hair out?

This New Dating Playbook will empower you to go from "Dating Sucks" to "We're in love!" faster and easier, or to simply have a lot more fun dating than you're likely having now.

How does it work?

The New Dating Playbook for Badass Women is based on the latest gender and behavioral psychology, brain science, and three universal laws of human nature. Apply these little-known dating and relationship strategies and you will have a huge advantage over other women-a proven shortcut from "I quit" to "He put a ring on it!"

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