'The New Psychology of Health could not have "come of age" at a more critical point in time. Setting out an analysis that has been meticulously developed and tested over the last decade, this book moves us beyond the stereotyped terms of a debate about whether health is a product of genes, environment or chance. Instead it argues that what lies at the heart of individuals' health ?is the nature of the social connections that exist between them and the sense of shared identity that these connections both produce and are produced by.' - Professor Dame Sue Bailey, OBE, DBE, FRCPsych
'It has been a touchstone of psychologists that they study individual differences: why, in a given set of social circumstances, one individual will respond differently to another. Socially oriented scientists ask questions about group differences, such as social inequalities in health. This important book brings the two perspectives together. The authors take a theory in psychology, social identity, and show how it can help us understand social determinants of health. More, it illustrates how social identity can underpin the protective effects of social connections and empowerment.' - Sir Michael Marmot, Author of The Health Gap
'This book is a potential game-changer in how we conceptualise our interventions and I thoroughly recommend it. It provides clear guidance on the application of well-researched theory to health and wellbeing and packs an important, fresh and timely message. It will be an invaluable resource for those who are in clinical training, those who provide training, and for researchers, policy makers and a lay readership who simply want a better understanding of important issues at the heart of their and others' health.' - Tony Wainwright, The Psychologist
'Humans are intensely social, and pro-social, beings, so it should be no surprise that the quality of social relationships should have profound effects on human health and happiness. This book shows how modern knowledge of the power of social connections and social identity changes both epidemiology and best practices for prevention and treatment of almost every medical condition. Scholars, patients, practitioners, and managers of all the human care professions need to read this book. It offers many practical lessons alongside such a range of confirming psychological evidence that they will never see themselves, each other, their patients, and their jobs in the same way again. The social cure is magic, and effective for all humans whether young or old, ailing or healthy.' - John F. Helliwell, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of British Columbia, Canada
'This book will change the way you think about health. It covers an impressive array of conditions, each time explaining how the social identity perspective changes our understanding of their development and treatment. This is an indispensable resource for all health professionals.' - Naomi Ellemers, Distinguished University Professor, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
"In sum, as this book makes clear, group processes are relevant to all facets of health and ill-health - cognitions, behaviours, phys-ical and mental health outcomes - and the book offers fresh insights into these processes and the dynamic social contexts which shape them. The many profound effects docu-mented across The New Psychology of Health, and the practical contribution that the SIAH makes to understanding and responding to health challenges faced in today's society, should implore us all to take seriously the point that social groups can offer an acces-sible, meaningful, and sustainable social cure." - Dr Mark Tarrant, University of Exeter Medical School, The British Psychological Society