"Dr Burns has masterfully combined the latest scientific evidence with his own immense clinical expertise to create an engaging and accessible guide for educators wanting to learn how to better support their students' mental health. In a series of ten brief and extremely readable chapters, he guides us through the essential steps from recognising when there may be a concern, to having discussions with students and parents, to connecting them with evidence-based support. This is a book with potential to make a real difference for schools, educators, families, and - most importantly - young people."
Emma Soneson PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, UK.
"Dr. Burns discusses the role of educators in supporting student mental health in a down-to-earth, friendly style that will resonate with teachers. He draws the readers in with the stifling reality of youth mental health challenges, real-world examples, and a call to the compassion and humanity of educators. Burns' conversational style will engage readers as they learn about the nature and prevalence of mental health challenges and how they present in the classroom. He then offers concrete, reasonably implemented strategies for identifying and addressing student mental health concerns and creating safe, supportive environments. This is a must-read for any educator who wishes to foster the well-being of their students while also helping them achieve academically."
Sharon Hoover PhD, Professor, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Co-Director, National Center for School Mental Health, University of Maryland, USA.
"An indispensable and timely resource! Highly accessible to educators of all backgrounds, this book is a must-read for both seasoned and novice educators, and it deserves a place in training programs for educators and school staff. What truly sets it apart is the way it honours and respects teachers and students alike. The book ensures that teachers are up to date with the best knowledge and strategies available in the field, all while holding teacher expertise and student safety in the highest regard. With a wealth of experience in real school settings, the author offers invaluable insights and practical guidance that empower teachers to provide evidence-based support to children and young people within the school environment."
Professor Jennie Hudson, Black Dog Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
"Dr Burns brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this body of work, constantly highlighting the value of teachers and those on the front line, in identifying, protecting, and guiding students through daily or micro-interactions. Armed with a wisdom borne of years working with young people and teachers, John's pragmatic, caring, and respectful approach provides a light to practitioners, as we help navigate the complexities of daily life for young people."
Dr Briony Scott, Principal, Wenona, President, The Australian Council for Educational Leaders, Australia.
"Through his warm and conversational tone, Dr Burns has provided a very informed text grounded in vital research regarding what we need to know about some of our most vulnerable students. What we love about this book, is that Dr Burns has been able to communicate in easy-to-access and personable ways to busy educators, what they need to know quickly and well. It is very clear that Dr Burns cares about kids and about the wonderful educators who go to work every day to teach and support them."
Associate Professor Judith Howard and Dr Meegan Brown, School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
"If you're a teacher seeking information about how to help students in your classroom experiencing mental health disorders, this book is for you. For administrators, John's book is the resource you've been looking for to guide your professional development group. Each chapter grounded in research and evidence-based practices includes vignettes and practical strategies grounded in reality that 21st century educators are crying for. Throughout all this, John's message rings clear: this book is about saving students."
Associate Professor Richard E. Cleveland, College of Education, Georgia Southern University, USA.
"A deeply informed and easy to read book for every teacher who wishes to become a well-equipped front-line worker in holding back the well-documented and disturbingly unyielding invasion of emotional distress in children and adolescents. This insightful book provides broad knowledge and deep understanding of mental health issues, how they impact students and classes, and how teachers can make a profound difference."
Associate Professor Anne Maj Nielsen, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark.
"The No-Nonsense Guide to School Mental Health is an extraordinary guide for new and experienced educators alike. Dr Burns' years of practical experience in schools provides a grounded perspective of the issues and a sense of purpose about the actions of teachers. The book is indeed a "call to action" but not to just any action. There is clear guidance for teachers, all of whom share the concern for student wellbeing and safety. We all have our part to play, and this book guides us through terrain we find hard to navigate. This book should be on the reading list for all teachers in their years of training or at some stage of their career."
Dr Peter Miller, Principal, The Geelong College, Australia.