The Norton Anthology of World Religions : Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism : Volume 1 - Donald S. Lopez

The Norton Anthology of World Religions

Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism : Volume 1

By: Donald S. Lopez, James Robson, David Biale, Jack Miles (Editor), Wendy Doniger (Editor)

Hardcover | 3 November 2014 | Edition Number 1

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A landmark work in which the six major, living, international world religions speak to readers in their own words.

This magisterial Norton Anthology, edited by world-renowned scholars under the direction of Pulitzer Prize winner Jack Miles, offers a portable library of more than 1,000 primary texts from the world's major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Daoism (Volume 1); and Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Volume 2). The anthology brings together foundational works-the Bhagavad Gita, the Daode jing, the Bible, the Qur'an-with the writings of scholars, seekers, believers, and skeptics whose voices over centuries have kept these religions vital. Beginning with the provocative question,Can religion be defined?, Miles's dazzling introduction tells a new story: traveling from prehistory to the present day, he illuminates how world religions came to be acknowledged and studied, absorbed and altered, understood and misunderstood. To help readers encounter strikingly unfamiliar texts with pleasure, this Norton Anthology provides accessible introductions, headnotes, annotations, pronouncing glossaries, maps, illustrations, and chronologies.

For readers of any religion or none, The Norton Anthology of World Religions opens new worlds that, as Miles writes, invite us all 'to see others with a measure of openness, empathy, and good will. . . . In that capacity lies the foundation of human sympathy and cultural wisdom.'

Volume 1: Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism; Volume 2: Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Industry Reviews
"[A] landmark documentary history." -- William Dalrymple - New York Times Book Review "Jack Miles is the religious writer of our time... [The Norton Anthology of World Religions is] an elegant and enormous collection." -- Sara Scribner - Salon

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