Foundations and History
History of Organizational Psychology (Helio Carpintero)
Evidence-Based Decision-Making and Practice in Organizations (Alessandra Capezio and Patrick L'Espoir Decosta)
Ethics in Work and Organizational Psychology (Joel Lefkowitz)
Main Theories and Approaches
The Sociotechnical Approach to Work Organization (David E. Guest III)
Action Regulation Theory (Hannes Zacher)
Goal Setting Theory: Causal Relationships, Mediators, and Moderators (Gary P. Latham)
Self-Determination Theory and Its Relation to Organizations (Anja H. Olafsen and Edward L. Deci)
Individual Differences in the Vitamin Model of Well-Being (Peter Warr)
A Selective Review of Developments in Positive Studies of Work and Organizations (Arran Caza)
An Applied Approach to Psychology of Sustainability (Robert G. Jones)
Humanitarian Work and Organizational Psychology (Stuart C. Carr)
Research Methods
Mediator Variables (Matthew S. Fritz and Houston F. Lester)
Moderator Variables (Matthew S. Fritz and Ann M. Arthur)
Multilevel Modeling Methods (Vicente González-Romá and Ana Hernández)
Temporal Dynamics in Organizational Psychology (Yannick Griep and Hannes Zacher)
General Coding and Analysis in Qualitative Research (Michael G. Pratt)
The Environment of Organizations
Industrial and Organizational Psychology From a Global Perspective (Mo Wang, Chengquan Huang, Junhui Yang, and Zhefan Huang)
Cross-Cultural Issues in Industrial, Work, and Organizational Psychology (Sharon Glazer and Catherine Kwantes)
The Group Dynamics of Interorganizational Collaboration (Sandra Schruijer)
Individuals in Organizations
Judgment and Decision-Making Processes (Richard P. Larrick and M. Asher Lawson)
Work Motivation (James M. Diefendorff, Megan E. Kenworthy, Faith C. Lee, and Linh K. Nguyen)
Employee Work Experiences, Feelings, and Morality (Remus Ilies and Sherry Aw)
Emotions at Work (Neal M. Ashkanasy and Agata Bialkowski)
Person-Environment Fit From an Organizational Psychology Perspective (Tomoki Sekiguchi and Yunyue Yang)
Political Skill at Work and in Careers (Iris Kranefeld, Gerhard Blickle, and James Meurs)
Diversity in Organizations
Dark Personalities in the Workplace (Birgit Schyns, Susanne Braun, and Barbara Wisse)
Diversity in the Workplace (Regine Bendl, Astrid Hainzl, and Heike Mensi-Klarbach)
Individual Differences at Work (Adrian Furnham)
Gender in Organizations (Karyssa Courey, Makai Ruffin, Mikki Hebl, Dillon Stewart, Meridith Townsend, Leilani Seged, Jordyn Williams, Cedric Patterson, Sara Mei, and Eden King)
Work and Organizational Issues Affecting Young Workers (Belgin Okay-Somerville)
Aging Workforce Issues From a Multilevel Approach (Lale M. Yaldiz, Franco Fraccaroli, and Donald M. Truxillo)
Ageism in the Workplace (David M. Cadiz, Amy C. Pytlovany, and Donald M. Truxillo)
Sexual Orientation (LGBTQ+) Issues in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Jennica Webster and Raymond Trau)
Disabilities at Work (Fred Zijlstra and Henny Mulders)
Jobs and Work Systems
Job and Work Design (Anja van den Broeck and Sharon K. Parker)
Job Crafting (Fangfang Zhang, Sabreen Kaur, and Sharon K. Parker)
Human-Computer Interaction (Amon Rapp)
Telework and Remote Work (Matti Vartiainen)
Informal Work (Mahima Saxena)
Interpersonal Relationships, Groups, and Teams
Impression Management (David M. Long)
Social Comparison in Organizations (Abraham P. Buunk)
Team Dynamics and Processes in the Workplace (Tiffany M. Bisbey and Eduardo Salas)
Virtual Teams and Digital Collaboration (Conny H. Antoni)
Justice in Teams (Vincente MartÃnez-Tur and Carolina Moliner)
Leadership in Organizations
Positive Leadership in Organizations (Lucas Monzani and Rolf van Dick)
The Psychology of Abusive Supervision (Katrina A. Graham, Gahyun Yoo, and Emma K. Kristal)
Ethical Leadership (Suzanne van Gils and Niels van Quaquebeke)
Organizational Processes
Organizational Behavior (Neal M. Ashkanasy and Alana D. Dorris)
Communication in Organizations (Ryan S. Bisel and Katherine Ann Rush)
Organizational Sensemaking (Ravi S. Kudesia)
Conflict Management (Patricia Elgoibar, Martin Euwema, and Lourdes Munduate)
Organizational Climate and Culture (Mark G. Ehrhart and Benjamin Schneider)
Organizational Justice (Dirk D. Steiner)
Corporate Social Responsibility: An Overview From an Organizational and Psychological Perspective (Ante Glavas and Mislav Radic)
Human Resources Psychology
Human Resource Management and Organizational Psychology (David E. Guest III)
Psychological Contracts and the Employment Relationship (Kerstin Isaksson)
Personnel Selection (Jesús F. Salgado)
Job Insecurity (Nele De Cuyper and Hans De Witte)
Training From an Organizational Psychology Perspective (Kurt Kraiger)
Overqualification in the Workplace (Berrin Erdogan, Talya N. Bauer, and Aysegul Karaeminogullari)
Careers and Career Development (Jos Akkermans, Daniel Spurk, and Nadya Fouad)
Retirement (Mo Wang and Valeria Alterman)
Organizational Outputs and Outcomes
Work Performance Management and Assessment (Rose Mueller-Hanson)
The Psychology of Work Engagement (Michael P. Leiter)
Creativity at Work (Kristina Potocnik and Neil Anderson)
Counterproductive Work Behaviors (Rosalind H. Searle)
Occupational Health Psychology
Occupational Health Psychology (Sharon Clarke)
Work and Family (MacKenna L. Perry and Leslie B. Hammer)
Work, Stress, Coping, and Stress Management (Sharon Glazer and Cong Liu)
Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace (Stale Einarsen and Kari Wik Ã…gotnes)
Burnout in Organizations (Michael P. Leiter and Jo Wintle)
Organizational Dehumanization (Noémie Brison, Florence Stinglhamber, and Gaëtane Caesens)
Safety at Work (Gudela Grote)
Quality of Working Life (David E. Guest III)
Well-Being at Work (Malgorzata W. Kozusznik, Aida Soriano, and José M. Peiró)
Organizational Change
Organization Change (George P. Huber and Jean M. Bartunek)
Generative Emergence: Research and Praxis for Social Innovation (Benyamin Lichtenstein)
Organizational Interventions (Karina Nielsen)
Organization Development (W. Warner Burke)