Handbook Preface and Introduction (Margaret S. Barrett & Graham F. Welch)
Section 1. Mapping the landscapes of music early learning and development
1. Digital landscapes of early childhood music learning and development: Music media and children's music culture of the past in the present (Ingeborg Lunde Vestad)
2. Media messages surrounding parents and music (Lisa Koops)
3. Child music development: Studying change (Lucia Benetti & Eugenia Costa-Giomi)
4. Musical parenting in a digital age: Affordances and constraints in pandemic times (Vicky Abad, Helen Shoemark, & Margaret S. Barrett)
5. Windows on children's perspectives on music in their lives: Visual research methods in music education (Katie Zhukov & Margaret S. Barrett)
6. The intangible heritage of children's musical cultures: From "child's play" to culture-making (Margaret S. Barrett)
7. Researching music early learning and development: Mapping methods and techniques, locations, problems and theories (Margaret S. Barrett, Vicky Abad & Graham F. Welch)
8. Researching children's music-centred cultural poetics: Widening horizons, performing critiques. (Panagiotis A. Kannellopoulos)
Section 2. Perspectives on music development
9. Section editorial (Mary Broughton & Eugenia Costa-Giomi)
10. Prenatal and postnatal development of musical behaviours and their role in infancy (Eino Partanen, Paula Virtala, & Kaisamari Kostilainen)
11. Social origins of music (Tal-Chen Rabinowitch & Laura Cirelli
12. Cultural diversity and the explanation of musical development (David J. Hargreaves)
13. Creativity in and through music (Anna Rita Addessi)
14. Young children's musical identities: A network of musical worlds (Amanda Niland)
15. Music development research futures: Section commentary (Clare Hall)
Section 3. Music in family and community contexts
16. Introduction (Lori Custodero & Patricia Shehan Campbell)
17. Adult recollections of early childhood musical experiences: Seeking meaning in memories of / with family. (Lori Custodero).
18. Building a profile of Australian parents' musical beliefs, values, and practices. (Vicky Abad, Mary C. Broughton, Margaret S. Barrett & Graham F. Welch).
19. Voices of influence: Shared music in the lives of toddlers as expressed through their pre-sleep vocalizations. (Meryl Sole).
20. A toddler's musical interactions at home on the Kibbutz: Four theoretical lenses. (Claudia Gluschankof)
21. Parental involvement in a Greek early childhood music program. (Lelouda Stamou, Vicky Abad, & Rafaella Troulou)
22. Music in early education and care settings for communication and language support. (Jessica Pitt & Graham F. Welch).
23. Singing and musical traditions in Icelandic and Estonian childhoods. (Helga Gudmundsdottir & Kristi Kiilu).
24. Maracatu de Baque Virado: Children's communities of music practice. (Juliana Cantarelli-Vita).
25. Early childhood and musics of the diaspora (Yen-Ting Wu & Graham F. Welch).
26. Sub-Saharan African musical learning communities (Emily Achieng' Akuno, Akosua Obuo Addo, Elizabeth Achieng' Andango'O, Andrea Emberley, Mudzungha Davhula & Perminus Matiure).
27. Early childhood and music in Indigenous contexts: Community approaches to teaching and learning. (Sally Treloyn, Andrea Emberley, Rona Goonginda Charles, & Leah Umbagai).
28. Elton's back: Parenting and children's musical participation in the aftermath of a pandemic (Beatriz Ilari)
Section 4. Music with young children in sites of transition, trauma, and conflict
29. Introduction (Kathryn Marsh & Libby Flynn)
30. The role of music in emotion regulation for children who have experienced abuse and neglect (Kate Teggelove)
31. Music and early childhood in asylum seeker centres: insights from Ireland and Germany (Ailbhe Kenny)
32. The musical activities of Syrian refugee children in Sweden (Carrie Danielson)
33. War and conflict in re-settlement contexts: Music in children's everyday lives (Samantha Sebastian Dieckmann & Kathryn Marsh)
34. Connection through music for mothers and young children in prison (Inês Lamela & Kirsten Anderson)
35. Development of well-being and self-esteem through "Music for Reconciliation," a music programme for children and youngsters living in severe social disadvantage in Colombia (María Claudia Parias Durán & Andrea del Pilar Rodríguez-Sánchez)
36. Creating sustainable music programs with vulnerable populations in community settings (Lucy Bolger & Somesh Purey)
37. Section Commentary (Katrina Skewes McFerran)
Section 5.1. Music and musicians in children's hospitals
38. Section introduction (Costanza Preti & Helen Shoemark)
39. Music in children's hospitals: A cultural action to support health (Costanza Preti & Philippe Bouteloup)
40. Live bedside music-making with children in hospital (Rosalind Hawley & Joan Livesley)
41. Live music in a children's hospital: A duoethnography to consider the potential for all (Helen Shoemark & Costanza Preti)
Section 5.2. Music to address social and medical risk in childhood
42. Section Introduction: Music to address social and medical risk in childhood (Helen Shoemark & Vicky Abad)
43. Familiar music, comfort and pain in the NICU (Pernilla Hugoson & Louise Eulau)
44. Voice as the platform for intimate moments in the NICU (Helen Shoemark)
45. Music therapy for young children with attachment challenge (Stine Lindahl Jacobsen & Rachel Swanick)
46. Resilience-based music partnerships for children with chronic health issues. (Lori Gooding & Dawn Iwamasa)
47. Music therapy in paediatric neurorehabilitation (Jonathon Pool & Claire Wood)
48. Music with children at the end of life (Kirsten O'Grady, & Kelli McKee)
49. Music, mess, meta-modernism, and post-qualitative inquiry (Raymond MacDonald)
Section 6. Musical development and neurodiversity
50. Introduction (Graham F. Welch & Adam Ockelford)
51. The role of natural abilities in early childhood music development (Solange Glasser & Gary E. McPherson)
52. The impact of visual impairment on early musical development (Angela Voyajolu, Rosie Axon & Adam Ockelford)
53. Accomodating neurodiversity in early childhood music learning and development (Mara Chasar & Michael B. Bakan)
54. Music education and engagement for young children with hearing loss (Eloise Doherty, Wayne Wilson & Margaret S. Barrett)
55. Supporting children living with neurodiversity: An analysis of access and engagement in a community-based Music Early Learning Program (Vicky Abad, Graham F. Welch & Margaret S. Barrett)
56. Exploring the effectiveness of a musical intervention for socially and economically disadvantaged children in the early years and for those with complex needs: The IMAGINE research project phase 1 (Adam Ockelford)
57. Unfurling the musicality of children with autism (Bombay Jayashri Ramnath)
58. Autism and Family-Centred Approaches In and Through Music (Grace Thompson, Tania Lisboa & Adam Ockelford)
59. Concluding commentary on special musical abilities and needs (Adam Ockelford & Graham F. Welch)
Section 7. Future Perspectives
60. Future Perspectives (Graham F. Welch & Margaret S. Barrett)