Michael G.Pratt, Majken Schultz, Blake Ashforth, and Davide Ravasi: Organizational Identity: Mapping Where We Have Been, Where We Are, and Where We Might Go
Section 1: Mapping the organizational identity (OI) field
1: Peter Foreman and David Whetten: Great debates in organizational identity study
2: Dennis A. Gioia and Aimee L. Hamilton: Measuring organizational identity: Taking Stock and Looking Forward
3: Davide Ravasi: Organizational Identity, Culture and Image
4: Blake Ashforth: Cross-Level OI
5: Majken Schultz: Identity Change & Temporality
6: Michael G. Pratt: Multiple OI & Hybrids
Section 2: Critical Perspectives on OI
7: Tony J Watson: Organizational Identity and Organizational Identity Work as Valuable Analytical Resources
8: Kate Kenney, Andrea Whittle, and Hugh Willmott: Organizational Identity: The Significance of Power and Politics
9: Mats Alvesson and Maxine Robertson: Organizational Identity: A Critique
Section 3: Integrative Models of OI
10: Ezra Zuckerman: Optimal Distinctiveness Revisited: An Integrative Framework for Understanding the Balance between Differentiation and Conformity in Individual and Organizational Identities
11: Joep Cornelissen, Mirjam Werner, and Alex Haslam,: Bridging & Integrating Theories on Organizational Identity: A Social Interactionist Model of Organizational Identity Formation and Change
Section 4: How Individuals Relate to OI
12: Beth Schinoff, Kristie Rogers, and Kevin G. Corley: How Do We Communicate Who We Are? Examining How Organizational Identity Is Conveyed to Members
13: Jennifer Petriglieri and Devine: Mobilizing Organizational Action Against Identity Threats: The Role of Organizational Members' Perceptions and Responses
14: Kimberly Elsbach and Janet Dukerich: Organizational Identity and the Undesired Self
Section 5: Sources and processes of OI
15: Glen E. Kreiner and Chad Murphy: Organizational Identity Work
16: Roy Suddaby, William Foster, and Quinn Trank: ReMembering: Rhetorical History as Identity-Work
17: Lee Watkiss and Mary Ann Glynn: Materiality and Identity: How Organizational Products, Artifacts, and Practices Instantiate Organizational Identity
18: Daan Van Knippenberg: Making Sense of Who We Are: Leadership and Organizational Identity
Section 6: OI and the Environment
19: Nelson Philips, Mattew Kraatz, Paul Tracey: Organizational Identity and Institutions
20: Rich Dejordy and W. E. Douglas Creed: Institutional Pluralism, Inhabitants, and the Construction of Organizational and Personal Identities
21: Marya L. Besharov and Shelley L. Brickson: Organizational Identity and Institutional Forces: Toward an Integrative Framework
Section 7: Implications of OI
22: Callen Anthony and Mary Tripsas: Organizational Identity and Innovation
23: Mamta Bhatt, Cees B. M. van Riel, and Marijke Baumann: Planned Organizational Identity Change: Insights from Practice
24: Janne Tienari and Eero Vaara: Identity Construction in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Discursive Sensemaking Perspective
25: Caroline Bartel, Cindi Baldi, and Janet Dukerich: Fostering Stakeholder Identification Through Expressed Organizational Identities
26: Michael G. Pratt, Majken Schultz, Blake Ashforth, and Davide Ravasi: On the Identity of Organizational Identity: Looking Backwards Towards the Future