The Penguin Book of Etiquette :  The Complete Australian Guide to Modern Manners - Marion Von Adlerstein

The Penguin Book of Etiquette

The Complete Australian Guide to Modern Manners

By: Marion Von Adlerstein

Paperback | 2 April 2007 | Edition Number 1

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How should one reply to an invitation – or behave at a Hindu wedding, or select an appropriate anniversary gift, or write a letter of condolence, or eat tricky foods like artichokes?

The Penguin Book of Etiquette is the definitive guide to modern manners in Australia. Entertaining and witty, it guides the reader through the appropriate codes of conduct for every occasion in a person's life from the cradle to the grave. From birth to baptism, engagement, marriage, entertaining, serving wine, making introductions, choosing clothes, behaving at the office, writing letters, issuing invitations, and attending funerals.

The colourful traditions and religious customs of different cultures are a feature of this book, and reflect contemporary multicultural Australia. Other prevalent social dilemmas such as the use of mobile phones, illegal social drugs, voicemail and the Internet are also covered.

The Penguin Book of Etiquette is a necessary reference for every home, and the perfect gift for 21st birthdays, engagements and weddings.