I Organic Superconductors: Overview and Comparison with Oxide Superconductors.- Recent Developments in Organic Superconductors.- Trends in Structures and Properties of Organic and Inorganic Superconductors.- On Some Organic Conductors in the Light of Oxide Superconductors.- II Metal Coordinated Organic Conductors and Related Materials.- Conductive and Superconductive Coordination Compounds.- Synthesis and Properties of the New Molecular Metals Na[Ni(dmit)2]2 and NH4[Ni(dmit)2]2.- Effect of Counter Ions on Alkali Metal Salts of Mx[Ni(dmit)2] (M=Na, NH4...).- The Organic ?-Electron Metal System Interacting with Mixed-Valence Copper Ions (R1,R2-DCNQI)2Cu (DCNQI=N,N'-dicyanoquinonediimine; R1, R2=CH3, CH3O, Cl, Br).- Metallic DCNQI Salts: Influence of Oxygen, Alloying and Dimensionality.- Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Resistivity of (DMeO-DCNQI)2Cu at High Pressure.- Reflectance Spectra of DCNQI Salts.- Optical Spectra of Highly Conducting Phthalocyanine Salts.- Preparation of Electroconducting Materials Containing Copper Compounds: A Copper Oxide with 1,3,4,6-Tetrathiapentalene-2,5-dione.- III TMTSF Family: Superconductivity and Spin Density Waves.- A Hidden Low-Temperature Phase in the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4.- NMR Evidence for the Existence of 1D Paramagnons in Organic Conductors.- Long-Range Spin-Fluctuations and Superconductivity in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Hubbard Model.- Transport Properties of Impure Anisotropic Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconductors.- Some Recent Experiments on the Field Induced Spin Density Wave States in the Bechgaard Salts.- Phase Diagram of the Spin Density Waves Induced by the Magnetic Field in Organic Metals.- Spin Density Wave and Field Induced Spin Density Wave Transport.- Magnetothermodynamics and Magnetotransport in (TMTSF)2ClO4.- Quantized Hall Effect in Spin-Wave Phases of Two-Dimensional Conductors.- 1H Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the SDW State of (TMTSF)2PF6 Under Pressure.- Non-ohmic Electrical Transport in the Spin-Density Wave State of Organic Conductors.- IV BEDT-TTF Family: Superconductivity.- Superconductivity in BEDT-TTF Based Organic Metals: An Overview.- T-P Phase Diagram of ?-(ET)2I3.- "2K-Superconducting State" in the Organic Superconductor ?-(BEDT-TTF)2I3.- A Change of the Incommensurate Superstructure in the Organic Superconductor ?-(BEDT-TTF)2I3.- Effect of Annealing on the Superconductivity of ?-(BEDT-TTF)2I3.- Evolution of the "High-Tc" States at Ambient Pressure in ?-(BEDT-TTF)2I3.- Electrical Resistance and Upper Critical Field in the "2K-Superconducting State" of ?-(BEDT-TTF)2I3.- Bulk Superconductivity at Ambient Pressure in Polycrystalline Pressed Samples of Organic Metals.- An Ambient Pressure Organic Superconductor ?-(BEDT-TTF-h8 and -d8)2Cu(NCS)2 with Tc Higher than 10K.- Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the Organic Superconductor (BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2: Measurements by the Field Cycling Technique.- Magnetic-Field Penetration Depth of (BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 Determined by Complex Susceptibility.- Tunneling Spectroscopic Study of the Superconducting Gap of (BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 Crystals.- STM Measurements of Superconducting Properties in ?-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2.- Effect of Tensile Stress on the Superconducting Transition Temperature in (BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2.- Highly Correlated Fermi Liquids in the High-Tc Organic Conductor ?-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2.- Electronic Properties of (BEDT-TTF)3Cl2*2H2O.- V BEDT-TTF Family: Fermiology and Related Subjects.- Galvanomagnetic Properties of the Organic Metals ?-(ET)2X: Magnetoresistance and Shubnikov-de Haas Oscillations.- The Fermi Surface in the Organic Superconductor ?-(BEDT-TTF)2IBr2.- On the Electronic Properties of ET2Cu(NCS)2 as well as of Some New Organic Salts.- Fermi Surface and Band Structure of ?-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2.- Fermi Surface and Thermoelectric Power of Two-Dimensional Organic Conductors.- Self-Consistent Band Structure and Fermi Surface for ?-(BEDT-TTF)2I3.- Anomalous Magneto-oscillation in ?-Type Crystals of (BEDT-TTF)2I3.- Nearly Complete Quantization in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Superconductors.- High-Field Magnetotransport in the Organic Conductor (BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4.- Electronic Properties in (BEDT-TTF)2X: Magnetoresistance and Hall Effect.- VI DMET Salts and Their Families.- Physical Properties and Crystal Structures of DMET Superconductors and Conductors.- Superconductivity and Spin Density Waves in (DMET)2Au(CN)2.- Phase Transition of the Organic Metal (DMET)2Au(CN)2 at 180K.- Antiferromagnetic Transitions in (DMET)2X and (DMPT)2X.- Conducting and Superconducting Salts Based on MDTTTF, EDTTTF, VDTTTF, EDTDSDTF, MDTTTF, BMDTTTF, Pd(dmit)2, and Ni(dcit)2.- VII Crystal and Electronic Structures.- Structural Instabilities and Electronic Structures of Some Organic Conductors and Superconductors.- Structural and Physical Properties of (BEDT-TTF)2[KHg(SCN)4].- Importance of Weak Hydrogen Bonding C-H***Donor and C-H***Anion Interactions in Governing the Structural Properties of Organic Donors BEDT-TTF and BEDO-TTF and Their Charge-Transfer Salts.- Electronic Structure of ?-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 Studied by Positron Annihilation.- Pressure Dependence of the Transport Properties of ?-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2.- Anomalous Transport Behavior in ?-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2.- STM Study of (BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 Surface.- Crystal Growth and Properties of (BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2.- Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Properties of (BEDT-TTF)3CuCl4*H2O.- Electronic Properties of Charge Transfer Complexes of BEDT-TTF and Related Donors with Transition Metal Halides.- Structural Electrical and Magnetic Properties of the (BEDT-TTF)4Ni(CN)4 Complex.- Crystal Structures and Electrical Conductivities of EDT-TTF Salts with TaF6?, AsF6?, PF6?, ReO4?, ClO4?, BF4?, Au(CN)2? and Ni(dmit)2n?.- A New Transformable Cation-Radical Salt (EPT)2I7.- Microwave Conductivity of the Phthalocyanine and Dicyanoquinonediimine Salts.- Electron-Molecular Vibration Coupling in Organic Superconductors.- Dynamics of Charged Domain Walls in Semiconducting Charge Transfer Compounds.- The Effect of Pressure on the High Magnetic Field Electronic Phase Transition in Graphite.- Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Intermolecular Interactions of Organic Radicals, ?-Nitronyl Nitroxides.- VIII Structural Design of Organic Superconductors.- Structure-Property Correlations in the Design of Organic Metals and Superconductors: An Overview.- Organic Conductors and Superconductors Based on (BEDT-TTF)-Polyiodides.- Stoichiometry Control in Organic Metals.- Unusual Molecular Systems of Organic-Inorganic Character and Increased Architectural Complexity.- IX New Molecules and Materials.- Salts Derived from Bis(ethylenedioxa)tetrathiafulvalene ("BO").- New Cation-Radical Salts (ET)3CuCl4*H2O and (ET)2CuCl4 with Metallic and Semiconducting Properties.- New Organic Synthetic Metals Derived from BEDT-TTF, Ni(dsit)2 and BEDO-TTF.- Synthesis and Crystal Structures of Multi-Chalcogen TTF Derivatives and Conducting Organic Salts.- Preparation of Methylated BEDT-TTFs for Controlling Intermolecular S-S Contacts.- Preparation and Properties of Dimeric TTFs.- Preparation and Properties of p-Quinodimethane Analogues of Tetrathiafulvalene.- Syntheses and Physical Properties of Oligothiophene Charge-Transfer Complexes.- 3,3?:4,4?-Bis(thieno[2,3-b]thiophene) with an Isoelectronic Structure of Perylene.- Design of Organic Molecular Metals Based on New Multi-Stage Redox Systems in the Non-TTF Family: Peri-Condensed Weitz-Type Donors.- Conjugated Heteroquinonoid Isologues of TCNQ as Novel Electron Acceptors.- Design of Two-Dimensional Stacking Structures: Twin-Type Molecules and Steric Interaction of Axial Substituents.- New Molecular Conductors Based on Metal Complex Anions.- Conducting Evaporated Film of Pt2(CH3CS2)4I.- Electroactive Langmuir Blodgett Films of Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives.- Physical Properties of Conductive Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Tridecylmethylammonium-Au(dmit)2 and Its Derivatives.- Polymerization of Diacetylenes in Liquid Crystal Phases and Its Application to the Preparation of High Spin Polydiacetylenes.- X Theory.- Novel Superconductivity from an Insulator.- Bethe Ansatz Wavefunction, Momentum Distribution and Spin Correlation in the One-Dimensional Strongly Correlated Hubbard Model.- New High-Temperature Cooper-Pairing Phase for Vibronic Superconductivity.- Examination of Pairing via Effective van der Waals Interaction in High-Temperature Superconductivity.- Reassessment of the Excitonic Mechanism of Little's Superconductivity.- Multi-Valence Resonance-Condensation Model: A Possible Novel and Universal Origin of Superconductivity.- Density Functional Theory for the New High-Temperature Superconducting Phase Transition.- Possible Role of Two-Dimensionality for the Enhancement of Superconducting Tc.- XI Summary.- New Developments That Emerged in the ISSP Symposium.- Index of Contributors.