The Pollination Biology of North American Orchids: Volume 2 : North of Florida and Mexico - Charles L. Argue

The Pollination Biology of North American Orchids: Volume 2

North of Florida and Mexico

By: Charles L. Argue

Hardcover | 20 September 2011

At a Glance




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Section I. Subfamily Orchidoideae (Part two)

Tribe Cranichideae

Chapter 1. Subtribes Goodyrinae and Cranichidinae


Goodyera R. Brown (rattlesnake plantains)

Other Goodyrinae

Zeuxine Lindley

Platythelys Garay


Ponthieva R. Brown

Chapter 2. Subtribe Spiranthinae

Spiranthes Richard (ladies'- tresses)

Asexual species or populations

Sexual species or populations

Additional species of Spiranthes

Other Spiranthinae

Dichromanthus Garay

Deiregyne Schlechter

Schiedeella Schlechter

Microthelys Garay

Section II. Subfamily Epidendroideae

Chapter 3. Tribe Neottieae

Listera R. Brown

Listera cordata (L.) R. Brown (heart-leaved twayblade)

Additional species of Listera

Other Neottieae

Cephalanthera Richard

Cephalanthera austinae (A. Gray) A. Heller (phantom orchid, snow orchid)

Epipactis Zinn

Epipactis gigantea Douglas ex Hooker (giant helleborine, stream orchid)

Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz (broad-leaved helleborine)

Additional species of Epipactis

Chapter 4. Tribe Triphoreae

Triphora Nuttall

Triphora trianthophora (Swartz) Rydberg (three birds orchid, nodding


Chapter 5. Tribe Malaxideae

Malaxis Solander ex Swartz

Malaxis paludosa (L.) Swartz (bog adder's-mouth)

(= Hammarbya paludosa (L.) Kuntze)

Additional species of Malaxis

Liparis Richard

Liparis liliifolia (L.) Richard ex Lindley (lily-leaved twayblade or large


Liparis loeselii (L.) Richard (loesel's twayblade or fen orchid)

Chapter 6. Tribe Calypsoeae

Calypso Salisbury

Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes (calypso, fairy slipper)

Tipularia Nuttall

Tipularia discolor (Pursh) Nuttall (crane-fly orchid)

Corallorhiza Gagnebin (coral roots)

Additional species and varieties of Corallorhiza

Aplectrum Nuttall

Aplectrum hyemale (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Nuttall (adam and eve orchid,


Chapter 7. Tribes Cymbidieae and Epidendreae


Eulophia R. Brown ex Lindley


Epidendrum L.

Hexalectris Rafinesque

Chapter 8 Tribe Arethuseae (Calopogon R. Brown and Arethusa L.) and subfamily Vanilloideae (part one) (Pogonia Jussieu)

Arethusa bulbosa L. (dragon's-mouth), Pogonia ophioglossoides (L.) Ker

Gawler (rose pogonia), and Calopogon tuberosus (L.) Britton, Sterns, and

Poggenburg (grass-pink)

Additional species of Calopogon

Section III. Subfamily Vanilloideae (part two)

Chapter 9. Tribe Pogonieae

Isotria Rafinesque

Isotria verticillata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Rafinesque (large whorled

pogonia) and I. medeoloides (Pursh) Rafinesque (small whorled pogonia)

Cleistesiopsis Pansarin and Barros

Cleistesiopsis divaricata (L.) Pansarin and Barros (spreading pogonia) and

C. bifaria (Fernald) Pa

Industry Reviews

From the reviews:

"Argue presents an impressive, comprehensive, and modern summary of the state of knowledge on the pollination biology of all major orchid groups in North America. ... the author has achieved his stated goal of providing a thorough treatment of the filed that will be of board interest to local and international researchers and students of pollination as well as orchid enthusiasts. ... also contain critical information for conservation managers striving to conserve the precious orchid diversity of the region." (Rod Peakall, The Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 88 (3), September, 2013)

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