The Power of Integrity : Building a Life Without Compromise - John MacArthur

The Power of Integrity

Building a Life Without Compromise

By: John MacArthur

Paperback | 30 April 1997

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We live in a society that has largely abandoned moral standards and Christian principles. Unkept campaign promises, false advertising, exaggerated tax exemptions, employee theft--compromise has become a way of life. Such moral concession has even invaded the church. Faced with an opportunity to proclaim Christ to unbelievers, we feel intimidated and keep silent. Or we water down God's Word on ethical issues at work or in our community to avoid rejection. Too often we prefer hypocrisy to integrity.

But God longs for His people to be different--to maintain a commitment to His standards, no matter what the cost. Is consistent obedience to God--integrity--attainable in this world of sin and self? By the grace and power of God, yes

One of the nation's most respected pastors points the way to persevering character in Christ. Drawing from scriptural examples of godly men who modeled integrity during severe testing, MacArthur makes a compelling case for the impact a man or woman of integrity can have in our world.

A helpful study guide for individuals or groups is included.

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