Introduction page 0
What is Magick? p1
Part 1
Mother Nature p3
Eco Witchcraft / Elemental Forces p4-5
Seasonal Change / Solstices and Equinoxes p6-7
Wheel of the Year p8
Witches' Sabbats p9
Foraging p10
Witch Supplies / Witches Garden p11-12
Herb Record p13
Powerful Plants / Plant Record p14-15
Hearth + Home p16
Everyday Magick p17
Part 2
Witchcraft Practices p19
Energy Work / Inner Witch p20-21
Energy Balancing / Grounding Ritual p22-23
A Witch's Altar p24-25
Soulful Ambience / Mindful Magick p26-27
Sacred Space p28
Manifesting / Magickal Intent p29-30
Planning Intention p31
Witchcraft Ritual / Planning Rituals p32-33
Part 3
The Universe p35
The Moon p37
Moon Magick p37
2023 Moon Calendar p38
Full Moons 2023 p39
Moon Phases / Moon Mood Tracker p40-41
Lunar Magick p42-43
Moon Cookies / Baked Magick p44-45
Astrology p47
Birth Charts / Reading a Birth Chart p48-49
Birth Record / Birth Chart p50-51
Sun Signs p52-53
12 Houses p54-55
Planet Rulers / Inner Planets p56-57
Outer Planets / Aspects p58-59
Part 4
2023 Diary p61 | Calendar p63
January p64-87: This Month + Tarot p66-67 | Correspondences + Altar p68-69 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p70-75 | January Weekly p76-87
February p88-109: This Month + Tarot p90-91 | Correspondences + Altar p92-93 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p94-99 | February Weekly p100-109
March p110-131: This Month + Tarot p12-113 | Correspondences + Altar p114-115 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p116-121 | March Weekly p122-131
April p132-153: This Month + Tarot p134-135 | Correspondences + Altar p136-137 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p138-143 | April Weekly p144-153
May p154-175: This Month + Tarot p156-157 | Lunar Eclipse + Altar p158-159 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p160-165 | May Weekly p166-175
June p176-197: This Month + Tarot p178-179 | Correspondences + Altar p180-181 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p182-187 | June Weekly p188-197
July p198-221: This Month + Tarot p200-201 | Correspondences + Altar p202-203 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p204-209 | July Weekly p210-221
August p222-243: This Month + Tarot p224-225 | Correspondences + Altar p226-227 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p228-233 | August Weekly p234-243
September p244-265: This Month + Tarot p246-247 | Correspondences + Altar p248-249 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p250-255 | September Weekly p256-265
October p266-289: This Month + Tarot p268-269 | Correspondences + Altar p270-271 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p272-277 | October Weekly p278-289
November p290-311: This Month + Tarot p292-293 | Full Moons + Altar p294-295 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p296-301 | November Weekly p302-311
December p312-335: This Month + Tarot p314-315 | Correspondences + Altar p316-3187 | Month's Witchcraft Practice p318-323 | December Weekly p324-335
Part 5
Dream Journal p337-p349</p