The Reader's Digest Complete Guide To Sewing : Step-By-Step Techniques for making clothes and home accessories - Reader's Digest

The Reader's Digest Complete Guide To Sewing

Step-By-Step Techniques for making clothes and home accessories

By: Reader's Digest

Hardcover | 25 November 2010

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The ultimate stitch-and-seam reference book for both beginners and seasoned sewers includes thousands of illustrations and diagrams for each stage of the sewing process.

In this updated edition, sewers will find:
  • 20 new modern projects from Simplicity(r) patterns; includes updated photographs
  • Instructions for making smart trousers, traditional curtains, a light summer dress, kids' clothes, a beach towel, patchwork bag, and more
  • Tips on how to select the right equipment, choose the perfect fabric, and use the right technique for every project
  • Foolproof ways to discover the perfect pattern size and how to incorporate only the most flattering design details

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