"Russian sambo is a unique sport and martial art known for its combat effectiveness and adaptability. The Sambo Encyclopedia: Comprehensive Throws, Holds, and Submission Techniques is the first English language book that addresses the whole of sambo. I applaud Steve Scott's efforts in advancing the rich tradition of Russian sambo."
-Igor Kurinnoy Three-time world sambo champion Five-time Sambo World Cup champion
"There are only a handful of people who have been continually present and influential in the sport of sambo since it first arrived on our shores. Among them is Steve Scott. He has continually trained top athletes, published texts and hosted tournaments. The Sambo Encyclopedia: Comprehensive Throws, Holds, and Submission Techniques his new compendium is a much awaited text. Few and far between are comprehensive English language books on the diversity of techniques that comprise sambo. This book will surely become required reading for new and old members of the sambo community."
-Steve Koepfer Head coach of New York Sambo Combat Sambo
"Steve Scott has my personal sincere appreciation on such a great book. Steve has left a real legacy."
-Leonid Polyakov Executive secretary USA Sambo
"I've known Steve Scott for several decades and he has always been a fan of sambo and judo. He is a man who is talented in many skills and a great teacher and writer. I am proud to say that I support any effort that Steve puts forth to promote sambo. His book, The Sambo Encyclopedia: Comprehensive Throws, Holds, and Submission Techniques comes from a very qualified and competent individual and I throw my full support behind it."
-Joe Neely US World Team coach Head coach Sombo Joe
"The Sambo Encyclopedia: Comprehensive Throws, Holds, and Submission Techniques is the first English language publication that covers all aspects of sambo throws, takedowns, immobilizations, and submissions. This book is truly a comprehensive guide to the Russian martial art. I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to train in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus but most people don't have this option and that is why this book is important. The Sambo Encyclopedia gives you an insight to sambo's training methods."
-Gregg Humphreys Dynamo Combat Club/Miletich Fighting Systems
"The Sambo Encyclopedia: Comprehensive Throws, Holds, and Submission Techniques is a great book and Steve Scott is a great coach! If you want to know what sambo is all about, this is the book to read."
-Jan Trussell World, Pan American, and US Nationals sambo champion
"I have been lucky to have spent my entire career training under Steve Scott. He has taken me from a 27-year-old recreational grappling enthusiast to the highest levels of competition in less than ten years. Because of Steve's guidance and tutelage, I have won silver at the Sambo Masters World Championships, medaled twice at the Pan American Sambo Championships and most recently a silver in 2019. I won the Sambo National Championship and trained over the world with world-class athletes and coaches. I owe this all to Steve Scott and a healthy respect for hard work.
"I train with Steve Scott on a daily basis and yet I still look forward to each and every book, knowing that I will be better for reading it."
-Derrick Darling Sando judo, silver medalist Sambo Masters World Championship Silver and bronze medalist, Pan American Sambo Championship National Sambo Championship
"Steve Scott is a world-class coach of sambo, judo, and jujitsu. Steve's own competitive background includes winning two national sambo championships as well as many high-level judo tournaments. As a coach he has produced three world sambo champions and a world medalist. Steve has been coach of the US World and Pan American Sambo Teams, the US Jr. World and Pan Am Judo Teams, and many others. I first met Steve at the US Olympic Committee Coach's College in the 1980s where we were selected to represent judo. As I got to know Steve, I was impressed by the depth of his knowledge in all aspects of judo, sambo, and other grappling arts. Even more impressive is his ability to impart his knowledge to others. I highly recommend The Sambo Encyclopedia: Comprehensive Throws, Holds, and Submission Techniques. Now, for the price of a book you can tap into Steve's vast experience and learn how to take your game to the next level."
-John Saylor Three-time US national judo champion, Pan American medalist Head Coach US Olympic Training Center judo team (1983-1991) Author of Strength and Conditioning Secrets of the World's Greatest Fighters Director Shingitai Jujitsu Association
"Steve Scott's impressive tome is exactly what the title declares: The Sambo Encyclopedia: Comprehensive Throws, Holds, and Submission Techniques. This comprehensive book really is an encyclopedia of the Russian martial art of sambo. It pragmatically guides you through throws, takedowns, transitions, armlocks, leg locks, hold-downs, and breakdowns from this Russian martial sport. This incredible resource belongs in every sambo practitioner's library, and it's a book that will help anyone who desires to up their grappling skills through sambo's techniques and training methods."
-Alain Burrese, JD 5th dan Hapkido, Author