The conditions necessary for discontinuous motion in gases | |
The use of fin surface to stabilize a weight towed from an aeroplane | |
Pressure distribution round a cylinder | |
Pressure distribution over the wing of an aeroplane in flight | |
On the shapes of parachutes | |
Scientific methods in aeronautics | |
The 'rotational inflow factor' in propeller theory | |
Notes on Mr Glauert's paper, 'An Aerodynamic Theory of the Airscrew' | |
The singing of wires in a wind | |
Note on the connection between the lift on an aerofoil in a wind and the circulation round it | |
A manometer for use with small pitot tubes | |
The energy of a body moving in an infinite fluid, with an application to airships | |
The forces on a body placed in a curved or converging stream of fluid | |
A mechanical method for solving problems of flow in compressible fluids | |
The flow of air at high speeds past curved surfaces | |
Some cases of flow of compressible fluids | |
Recent work on the flow of compressible fluids | |
Application to aeronautics of Ackeret's theory of aerofoils moving at speeds greater than that of sound | |
The air pressure on a cone moving at high speeds, I | |
The air pressure on a cone moving at high speeds, II | |
The determination of drag by the pitot traverse method | |
Determination of the pressure inside a hollow body in which there are a number of holes communicating with variable pressures outside | |
The propagation and decay of blast waves | |
Notes on possible equipment and technique for experiments on icing on aircraft | |
Generation of ripples by wind blowing over a viscous fluid | |
Notes on the dynamics of shock-waves from bare explosive charges | |
Pressures on solid bodies near an explosion | |
The stagnation temperature in a wake | |
The propagation of blast waves over the ground | |
Analysis of the explosion of a long cylindrical bomb detonated at one end | |
The pressures and impulses of submarine explosion waves on plates | |
The dispersion of jets of metals of low melting point in water | |
The motion of a body in water when subjected to a sudden impulse | |
Note on the lateral expansion behind a detonation wave | |
The effect of the method of support in tests of damage to thin-walled structures by underwater explosions | |
The vertical motion of a spherical bubble and the pressure and the pressure surrounding it | |
The motion and shape of the hollow produced by an explosion in a liquid | |
Experiments with 1/76-scale model of explosions near ½-scale asset target | |
A formulation of Mr Tuck's conception of Munroe jets | |
Blast impulse and fragment velocities from cased charges | |
Note on the limiting ranges of large rockets | |
The bursting of cylindrical cased charges | |
Air resistance of a flat plate of very porous material | |
The fragmentation of tubular bombs | |
The aerodynamics of porous sheets | |
Pitot pressure in moist air | |
The air wave surrounding an expanding sphere | |
The mechanics of swirl atomisers | |
The effect of wire gauze on small disturbances in a uniform stream | |
The shape and acceleration of a drop in a high-speed air stream | |
The dynamics of the combustion products behind planes and spherical detonation fronts in explosives | |
The mechanics of large bubbles rising through extended liquids and through liquids in tubes | |
The formation of a blast wave from a very intense explosion, I: theoretical discussion | |
The formation of a blast wave from a very intense explosion, II: the atomic explosion of 1945 | |
The boundary layer in the converging nozzle of a swirl atomiser | |
The instability of liquid surfaces when accelerated in a direction perpendicular to their planes, I | |
The use of a vertical air jet as a windscreen | |
Effects of compressibility at low Reynolds number | |
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