The Seven Decisions
Understanding the Keys to Personal Success
Author: Andy Andrews
Narrated by: Andy Andrews
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Published: 20th May 2014
Digital Audiobook
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Just one of these decisions can alter the course of a person's life. What if you decided to master them all? Explore the seven decisions for success first introduced in the New York Times bestselling book The Traveler's Gift, learning how you can turn life around—no matter how hopeless it seems.
In this updated and repackaged edition of Mastering the Seven Decisions, master storyteller and life coach Andy Andrews has fast-forwarded the concept of success and what it takes to make it stick. Seeking out what separates the ordinary life from the extraordinary, Andrews has spent much of his life dissecting countless biographies and spending time with some of the most successful people on the planet to understand the principles that propel them toward greatness.
The result: simple principles that—when applied consistently—render extraordinary lives. Through his entertaining, down-to-earth style, Andrews offers all the tools necessary to make lasting changes in your life. These principles of personal success in parenting, relationships, financial success, and leadership are all around us. So why shouldn't we harness them, learn them, and use them to create a future of our choosing? The seven decision you'll explore are:
- The Responsible Decision
- The Guided Decision
- The Active Decision
- The Certain Decision
- The Joyful Decision
- The Compassionate Decision
- The Persistent Decision
The consistent application of the Seven Decisions brings about what can only be called miracles: what was once labeled "impossible" actualizes. Opportunities that once eluded you are now attracted to you. Dysfunctional relationships transform into harmonious ones. Life, which was once a struggle, now becomes an exciting adventure!
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ISBN: 9780718031282
ISBN-10: 0718031288
Published: 20th May 2014
Format: Digital Audiobook
Language: English
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Duration: 06:30.07
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