The Shaman's Doorway : Opening Imagination to Power and Myth - Stephen Larsen

The Shaman's Doorway

Opening Imagination to Power and Myth

By: Stephen Larsen

Paperback | 3 January 1998

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A renowned psychotherapist's and scholar's significant and inspiring work on the relation of shamanism to both the psyche and society.

Shows the relevance of shamanism to the modern world and how it can lead to a creative and affirmative relationship with life.

The Shaman's Doorway is one of the most significant and inspiring works on the relation of shamanism to both the psyche and society. Drawing on his own experience as a psychotherapist and his understanding of primordial shamanic traditions, Stephen Larsen shows the relevance of this path to the modern world and how it can lead to a creative and affirmative relationship with life. Defining the task of the shaman as one of bringing meaning and healing into life, and creating a sense of growing accord with the root of all being, Larsen clearly shows how the shaman, all too often perceived as belonging to the world's past, actually holds the key to our future.

Industry Reviews
"Shamanism represents a body of knowledge that is pertinent to the ailments of contemporary society. Dr. Larsen guides us through this legacy with skill and ease, teaching us how the shaman's visions can expand our own awareness."

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