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The Sharesies Guide to Investing : Your roadmap to financial freedom - Sonya Williams

The Sharesies Guide to Investing

Your roadmap to financial freedom

By: Sonya Williams, Brooke Roberts, Leighton Roberts

Paperback | 14 February 2023

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The easy way to start investing in shares - whether you have $5 or $50,000 to invest

Online investing platform Sharesies has revolutionised the way everyday people invest. Since its beginning in 2017, thousands of new investors - often with just a bit of spare cash - have joined the platform to start their journey toward financial empowerment.

With low fees and the choice to invest from as little as 1¢, Sharesies has broken down the barriers that once priced ordinary people out of the share market. But for many, the knowledge barrier still exists. How to start, what to invest in, and how much - figuring this stuff out can feel overwhelming.

The Sharesies Guide to Investing aims to help you answer these questions, and gain the confidence you need to take the first step on your own investing journey. Through easy-to-digest information, jargon-busting investing speak, and stories from Sharesies investors, you'll learn how to make the most of investing in shares (while staying true to your values) and discover how investing can help you secure your financial future.

About the Author

Sonya, Brooke and Leighton co-founded the online share investing platform Sharesies because they wanted to help people find an easy way to invest in the stock market. They are passionate about helping people find financial security.

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